Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 in Review

Wednesday, December 28th - 6 miles. Don't remember much of this run quite honestly. Had dinner with Stu who was in town, so fun to get a lot of us together for a fun night at Laurie's.

Thursday, December 29th - 5 miles, another blanker. I have 39:04 on my Timex, so a little quicker than usual.

Friday, December 30th - 5 miles. Ran at lunch with Ryan at Creve Couer Park. WINDY. 43 and some change, I believe...

Saturday, December 31st - 11 miles (1 up, 2x3 mile tempo, 4 down). Last run of 2011! With my rearranging the schedule around, decided to hit this one on the trails since I missed it last week. WINDY again (30+ mph winds), so jogged out to the start point. Plan was to hit race pace (6:25), since I didn't think I had 6:15s in me that day, nor did I want to do slower than 6:30's. Wanted to run 1.5 out and back for the first rep, but I literally had the wind taken out of my sails (ran into a tornado), and was defeated bad. Hit 2 miles, and was on empty. Cursed at myself for awhile, and had already quit (started jogging back home) but somehow talked myself into sucking it up and trying to get at least another mile or 2 at tempo so I felt better about myself. Ran towards Home Depot (hillier but at least downwind), and felt remarkably better. Decided to hit the entire rep - trail winds around so had a strong cross breeze, but still not as evil as directly into the wind. 2 minute break, then decided to hit the mile I missed earlier. Well, the last third of the mile, it runs back open directly into the wind, so was in survival mode. Hit a good split, and literally was done. Walked/jogged it back in - legs felt shredded. Splits were: 12:52 (6:27, 6:25), 19:05 (6:23, 6:23, 6:19), 6:18. Bittersweet, as I was very pleased about coming back and finishing the workout when I had already quit, but really shouldn't have felt so hard. December mileage: 191 miles. 2011 mileage: 2071 miles

Sunday, January 1st - 8 miles. Happy New Year!!! Team Sullentrup run with Crystal, Timmy, Devin, and Pat. WINDY yet again, but sunny. Legs felt like garbage, so wanted to go easy. Timmy made a pitstop at the turnaround point, so waited for him while Crystal and Devin ran it in. Felt better with the small break, and progressively got looser as each mile went on. 1:09:04 total. 35 miles this week, 8 miles in 2012.

Monday, January 2nd - 6 miles. Ran with Crystal and Tim in mid afternoon. WINDY yet again, will this ever end? 30 mph winds = sucks for running. Felt like poop starting out, but got into a good groove rather quickly. Solid run, all in all. 49:26, I think (8:18 avg pace)

So here is my 2011 review. Pretty disappointing all around. Had some good workouts early, but was working off some banked mileage from the past, and never got into a good level of fitness. Really let myself go, until the later part of the year when I picked it up.

Favorite Workout: A tie - this crazy workout with Crystal earlier this year in Forest Park, and the more recent 2x2 miles a couple weeks ago. The long workout was grueling and tough, but a great confidence booster. The 2x2 mile tempo was one of the few times this year that a workout felt good, and I remember not feeling too great starting it out but hit some fabulous splits.

Favorite Race: There wasn't much to be proud of this year, but Boston is always the most special. Got to toe the line with Shane and Crystal, and run basically the coronation of running. Arguably, the race that means the most to me. A close second is the GO! Halloween 10K - while this was just a pace run for me, it was still a PR and one of the few times where it felt easy.

Favorite Long Run: Always a plethora of candidates, but this one will have to go to the D.C. Landmark run when we were in town for Shane's wedding. Got to see some amazing monuments, and had some great company as well. As I always say, the best way to see a city is to run through it!

Favorite Restaurant: The Block in Webster - go there!

2011 PR's:

2 Mile: 10:52 (Trot for Tots)
4 Mile: 26:02 (Steamboat Classic)
10K: 40:08 (GO! Halloween 10K)

2012 goals - anything better than 2011. I would like to PR in the half marathon (hopefully the next few weeks), 4 mile (maybe Steamboat again), 8K (Shamrock), 10K, 10 miler (Cherry Blossum), and gain some better speed again so I can race those 5Ks faster!

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