Whew! Much to catch up on, so here we go! Is Bolt trying as hard as he can?, World Champion Jenny Simpson, Sarah Palin (my former employer) runs in Iowa, Hall is 4th in Virginia Beach, Geb goes for another Olympics, Mo Farah, and Boston registration opens on Monday :(
Monday, August 29th - 6 miles and drills. Had to think back about this one. Crystal, Tim, and I ran to the track on a muggy, humid evening. Kept it pretty slow, pretty tired and felt like poop. Don't remember the time.
Tuesday, August 30th - 10 miles (1 up, 4 x 1 mile tempo, 4 down). Late work dinner in St. Louis, so got ahold of Gabe and met him in Francis Park to work with him on his workout. Another warm evening in the 80's, and was battling some stomach issues from just having had dinner. He was hitting 10x1 mile at 6:00 min/mile pace, so after a small warmup I caught him halfway through. Tired, and had to work hard for the last one, especially as Gabe was taking off for a fast last mile. Long cooldown around the park a few times, nice night to be out and glad to get this workout in. Mile splits were: 5:50, 6:04, 6:00 (split), 5:58.
Wednesday, August 31st - 6 miles. I don't remember this run, but remember I was pretty militant getting in mileage before heading out to Washington D.C. for Shane's wedding.
198 miles for the month of August, 1389 for 2011.
Thursday, September 1st - 0! Planned on trying to get in some afternoon treadmill mileage, but alas work was too busy. Travel day, made it to D.C. with Megan and Tim for a fun wedding weekend!
Friday, September 2nd - 9.5 miles. Was staying at Josh's who lives in Columbia Heights (3 Northwest of the Mall). Intended on running out and back, but got sucked into the awesomeness of the Washington Monument, then decided to run the Mall towards the Capitol Building before heading back. Realized we were on Pennsylvania Ave., so ran over to the White House before heading back. Awesome morning of sightseeing, and hit up a few major points in the area. Running back was rough with the stop and go traffic, and going literally straight uphill for 2+ miles. Megan and Tim went with me, so a fun crew and we kept it at a slow pace. When we got back, probably walked at least another 3-5 miles in further sightseeing around D.C. (many, many more monuments, awesome times). Overcast day, but humid.
Saturday, September 3rd - 2 miles. Rehearsal morning, slept in too late because of a late Friday night, and did a quick 2 miles around Columbia Heights with Tim. Warm morning, felt like poop.
Sunday, September 4th - 0! Wedding day, just ran out of time from sleeping in yet again. Awesome day with all my friends, and got to stand up at the altar for one of my best friends. Congratulations Shane and Katie!!!
34 miles this week, not the best but not awful considering travel week. Scheduled off week, so not very upset.
Monday, September 5th - 0! Recovery day, the wedding and reception and bar crawl afterwards was pretty crazy.
Tuesday, September 6th - 4 miles. Long travel day back, but to some ridiculously AWESOME fall-like weather! Got out late, and jogged it slow. Felt like crap.
Wednesday, September 7th - 4 miles slow. First day back at work, felt like crap (residuals from the weekend?). Determined later that it was my allergies, and change of season. Time for a refill of Singulair! Auditioned for a Scottrade commercial (very random) in Webster Groves, then headed over a few miles to meet Timmy at Schlafly Bottleworks for dinner and drinks. Stayed late, as a result had a late night run that was very slow and very tiring.
Thursday, September 8th - 9 miles - 4 miles a.m. treadmill, 5 miles p.m. with Crystal (still need to be done). A.M. treadmill sucked - felt like complete garbage, and struggled to run. Absolutely zero energy. 30:44 total so probably a little fast, but haven't had a hard workout in almost a week and a half so shouldn't have been so bad.
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