2 hour marathon?, Paula and Nike, streaking at the Olympics could be costly, Ed Moran makes his NYC debut in a few weeks, 100 year old man runs a marathon, and Kim Smith kills it in Hartford.
Friday, October 14th - 4 miles. Ran with Pat and Crystal after work. Gorgeous day outside, and we did the G.C. loop. Felt better than in days past, but still lethargic. 33:33 total time (16:55/16:38 splits).
Saturday, October 15th - 4 miles. Early golf tournament in Eureka, and was definitely a bit pooped afterwards. Nice fall day, did out and back on the trails very slow. Ran for roughly 40 minutes.
Sunday, October 16th - 11 miles - GO! STL HALLOWEEN 10K (40:08 PR; 40/~3900 overall, 7th in age group) - Woke up bright and early to head down for the race. Plan was to run at half marathon pace and to get in a nice workout. Course has changed a bit from the first year we spectated - start on Market, head south and loop through Soulard and the brewery before heading back downtown to Soldier's Memorial. Hilly the first half, but levels out a bit going in. Weather was ok - very sunny and a little warm, and very windy. Lined up front, quick chat with my teammates, then took off. Started out way too fast, and leveled it out early. Fell into a small group, and worked with them as I tried to get locked into pace. Hills through Soulard were definitely a pain, and my splits were all over the place. Ran through the Brewery and finally caught a long downhill, and started to feel better. Last couple miles felt good, and I felt completely in control. Worked with a couple girls going in - one was struggling pretty bad and trying to catch the other, so helped her reel the other in for my good deed of the day. Went back to watch Tim finish, met up with Pat and Crystal to see Stacy, then jogged out to run Megan and Cristina in. Brunch at Hammerstones, lots of football/sleep in the afternoon, then a late run at night. Got in 4 miles (~40 minutes), legs were definitely a little tired. Very pleased overall - I split 20:23, 19:45 for the 2-5K's, so a great workout/race. 42 miles this week - I'll take it.
Race week is this week. Easy running, with the exception of Wednesday's small workout with Crystal, and trying to eat healthy and get some good rest. Easy run at group run tonight to shake out my tired, old legs.

Race week is this week. Easy running, with the exception of Wednesday's small workout with Crystal, and trying to eat healthy and get some good rest. Easy run at group run tonight to shake out my tired, old legs.
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