Monday, January 9, 2012

6 more days!

Friday, January 6th - 7 miles. Ran after work around. Got in a pretty good rhythm and later on found out I negative split every mile. I sensed a little frustration in myself during that run from Thursday's failure, but felt decent for the most part. Splits were: 7:54, 7:43, 7:38, 7:28, 7:15, 6:36.

Saturday, January 7th - 5 miles (4 miles - 25:22). Last opportunity for a pace run before it was too late. Slept all afternoon, then got up early evening to hit this. With a little bit of yesterday's run lingering in me (and technically the 2 miles at pace on Thursday), I just wanted to hit 4 miles at pace and feel comfortable just for my own confidence. Ran a little hillier to make it more challenging. Well, mission accomplished. Had a lot more energy (more sleep and eating more iron/protein foods helps amazingly), and felt pretty good out there. Could have kept going, which is always a great sign. Perfect weather to run (40-50's and cool, barely any wind), and ran in my flats which I decided I'm going to run with in Houston. Splits were fast because my Garmin was jumping around so damn much, and it was dark outside - 6:22, 6:20, 6:21, 6:17. 10 minute jog to cool down. Wrenched my back, so was in discomfort all night.

Sunday, January 8th - 8 miles (1:08:27). The Twinkie Run. Mike came over in exactly the same shirt, so we hit the trails for an easy run. Back was still a mess, but not as bad when running. Kept it pretty steady, and felt ok for the most part. Long stretching postrun, then literally sat on the couch the rest of the day. Had visions of running again easy at night, but failed miserably. 45 miles this week, 53 miles in January, 53 miles in 2012.

Back is still really sore, but getting a little better. Easy running all week, LOTS of stretching, LOTS of eating good food, and LOTS of rest. Fly out on Friday morning with everyone, and super excited!

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