Friday, February 12, 2010

Mardi Gras Weekend!

Excited for the Mardi Gras weekend! This will be the first time I will be in Soulard for what is considered the 2nd biggest Mardi Gras celebration (behind New Orleans) - I went downtown when I was younger with Pat, and have never been that big of a Mardi Gras guy but with Tim coming into town, might as well check it out! However, there are tons of running to do outside of all this fun...

Wednesday, got in a whopping 0 miles. Had an education class at work which lasted late, went and got a few drinks afterwards, completely crapped out. Not the biggest deal, as I can work this mileage in this weekend. Yesterday, felt like crap pretty much all day, got started pretty late, and decided against the scheduled speed work since I didn't think I could do it (2X2 at race pace). At the last second, decided to give it a go - opted for treadmill running, although might have been able to run on the roads since the conditions are much better right now. Did 1 up to Pat and Crystals, then started my workout. Got through the first set ok, but was struggling a little on the last half mile and the legs were definitely going out. Took 5 minutes in between, sucked down some water and hoped my legs would come back. Started the 2nd rep, pretty much crapped out after a couple minutes so dropped the pace down to marathon pace. Struggled through 8 minutes of that, jacked it back up to my original pace and finished it out. 2 mile cooldown afterwards, light stretching, legs felt like complete mush. Total mileage: 7 miles - 2 mile splits were: 12:00, 14:06.

So failed miserably on my attempt to complete this workout, and I have pretty much come to the conclusion that speed work is really hard to do on treadmills. Pretty tired today, but am going to try to get in my long run tonight, then easy runs on Saturday and Sunday. Pretty worn down right now from a couple stressful weeks of work plus hard training, so will definitely opt for a ton of rest when I can get it. Happy Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day Weekend to all!

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