Friday, April 30, 2010

Post Boston Workouts

Have been enjoying the recovery week, and have squeezed in a few runs. Before getting to that, found a recap from Ryan Hall's blog about Boston that I thought was pretty cool.

Spent the weekend in Chi, then headed home to Peoria. Had crappy, rainy weather on Sunday, so didn't run. Rained all day on Monday, so took another break. FINALLY got out on Tuesday - ran a short loop around my parent's neighborhood, which is all looping hills - very similar to Boston. Thought I was getting closer to fully recovered, but realized very quickly that I was still pretty sore in areas that aren't affected by running flat surfaces, and definitely felt some pain by the end of the run. Didn't go too hard, just felt like poop when I was done. Total mileage: 3.5 miles - was out there for roughly 30 minutes.

Wednesday, finally got home. Weather was pretty nice, and forced myself out the door after a long nap. Felt ok, did an out and back on the trail. Pretty windy, and it was super downwind coming home which was nice. Probably went faster than I should have, and started to feel slight fatigue. Last mile, some girl on a bicycle was riding and talking on her cell phone and going in the same direction, so I decided I didn't want this goofball going faster than me so I picked it up a few notches. Blazed by her, I think she was definitely surprised to see a runner going faster than her, so she noticably picked up the pace. Well, because I am retarded and waaay too competitive, decided to make a race out of it and pretty much dusted her. Albeit, she could have really picked up the pace at any point and probably easily smoked me, or maybe she was just that slow on a bike. Either way, was fun to run like that since I haven't really done speed since early March, but my stride felt awful and my turnover just sucks right now. Lots of work to be done. Total mileage: 5 miles - ran for 33-34 minutes.

Thursday, got home after work and did a ton of errands. Once again, had a nice day to run so waited for it to cool down a little. Super windy again, legs were pretty tired so made it a point not to go too fast. Of course, a mile into the run, I had to pull the reigns and force myself into going much slower. My body wants to go, but it can't - it's such a weird feeling. Did my regular out and back, felt decent but legs are still heavy and deadened. Total mileage: 4 miles - no idea how long I was out there, guessing I averaged about an 8 minute pace.

Will do some light running this weekend, hoping to get in a long run on Sunday with Crystal. Kind of targeting a local 5K in town next weekend, but really need to feel better if I decide to do so. Will do a basic track workout next Tuesday (actual workout TBD) to gauge if I'm somewhat ready to race again. TGIF!!!

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