Friday, April 9, 2010

Fall Marathons

Wow, just browsed through some of the running news - Saw that Meb and Deena are already committed to NYC, and Ryan Hall just committed to Chicago! Super cool, excited to see how the Americans fare in those later marathons.

On to running - Tuesday, got home pretty late from work. Didn't have to energy to do hills, so did a loop around town instead. Felt ok, was super windy and kind of humid so didn't push too hard. Total mileage: 5 miles - no idea of time or pace.

Wednesday, got home late again. Didn't really feel like doing hills yet again, but had a much cooler evening to felt pretty nice. Did out and back towards Troy on the trails, and pretty much ran very leisurely. On the way back, noticed a guy gaining massive ground on me, so picked it up and had an impromptu "race" since I didn't feel like getting passed and hadn't run much speed lately. He kept pushing, I kept gapping - had lots of fun with it, and felt good. Definitely hit sub 6 on that mile, jogged the rest in. Total mileage: 5 miles - not sure of time, but definitely averaged sub 8 minute miles overall.

Yesterday, got in a late workout with Crystal. Decided to do hills since it was such a nice evening. Hit up a newer part of the trail off the GC route, and jogged around there to check out the lay of the land. Found a decent hill that was a little less than a quarter, and did repeats on that. Tried to keep in 10K pace, but sped up as we always do. Ran 3 hills up and down, hit around 54-55 seconds up, 50-52 going down, felt really good. With the warmup and longer cooldown, hit about 4 miles total.

Day off today, something easy tomorrow, then pacing Mike in the Go St. Louis Marathon on Sunday (~12 miles at pace)! Supposed to be high 70's and sunny, not the best conditions for a marathon but we'll battle through it. Good luck to all the runners this weekend!!!

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