Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank GOD It's Friday!!!!

Loooong week, glad it's the weekend! Here are a couple articles I found on World Marathon Majors Champion Samuel Wanjiru that are pretty awesome: Wanjiru is defending his London Marathon title, and a great article talking about him in general and the impact he may make when his career is done. Also, for people who want a great alternative to massages, use a foam roller. I will vouch for them that they are awesome and will kick the living crap out of you, but helped immensely with my IT band problems and saved another year's running for me :)

Trying to remember my runs this week, not really coming to mind very easily. Tuesday night, ran with Pat and Crystal after work. Weather was cool and chilly, but still perfect conditions to get in a run. We did about 3 out and back on the trail, then 1 more around their neighborhood. Surprisingly felt ok from Monday's inpromptu tempo, but was getting tired towards the end. Pat pushed the pace so didn't get too comfortable :) Total mileage: 4 miles, didn't have a watch but was in the 8's. Wednesday, rain, rain, and more rain. Totally wimped out, asked Pat if I could use their treadmill which I normally despise. Was watching some good reality tv, so the miles went by quickly. Got pretty bored after a while though, quit while I was ahead and feeling ok. Total mileage: 4 miles - total time on treadmill was 29:17. Yesterday, failed miserably and got in 0. Went to an advanced screening of "Up in the Air" with Jessica, Pat and Crystal, and just ran out of time (pics later). Considered going when I got home, but was just tired from the long day and was ready for bed. Will make up for this with a couple runs today!

Just got around to posting this, but wanted to send out a big congratulations to my buddy Marc who just competed in and finished his first Ironman in Cozumel!!!! Absolutely amazing performance by him, and I am totally in awe of his achievements. He, Shane, Tim, and I will all be in Vegas next weekend, and have much to celebrate with our recent Chi Marathon performances and Marc's IM. Congrats Marc!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pete!! There will be much celebrating. How much of it we will remember remains to be seen. I'm currently in training to PR the Timtown 10K.
