Yeah right, once again I failed in my endeavor to keep an "easy" pace. Because of the concert in the evening, I decided to get in my run during work. Scheduled for easy 4 and after a motivational speech from Coach Crystal, I was on my way. I work in Westport Plaza, and the roads in this area are pretty hilly, so runs are never typically easy. Unfortunately, the hills are about as bad as you can get - long, and steep. First mile, kept up what I thought was a leisurely pace on a somewhat flat road - last quarter, hit a nasty upslope so worked into that, heard my Garmin beep, and was surprised to see 6:46 for the first mile. Oops! 2nd mile, rolling hills, was trying to keep up the effort, but my legs are not in great hill shape - struggled to a 6:55 finishing on a pretty steep half mile incline. At this point, my legs were pretty toast, so pulled in the reigns and hit 7:15 and 7:17 coming home. This looks deceptively fast, as I was coming back through the rolling hills but basically on a massive decline. Cooled down with a mile jog, legs were pretty beat. Shouldn't be this tired after 4 miles, but it was a rough route so I guess I'll give myself a free pass. Here are some pics of some of the lovely hills on my run:

Last night, Trisha and I and my coworker Scott and Brian headed over to the Fabulous Fox Theater to go see the Killers! Awesome show from what I remember, had a few too many adult beverages and am feeling pretty rough today. Will post some pics from my camera when I upload to my laptop. Tonight, speedwork - reverse ladder (1600, 1200, 800, 400), hoping to hit 5:55, 4:25, 2:50, 1:20. That might be wishful thinking in my current state. Afterwards, Cinco de Mayo dinner with Pat and Crystal!!! Siiiiiiii!!!

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