Thursday, March 8, 2012

Toolen/St. Pats around the corner...

Ryan Hall has plantar fasciitis, Leo Manzano, age group record holder, Ritz racing NYC 1/2 this weekend, crazy store about the DQed marathon winner, YouTube is doing the Olympics, top 10 running cities (mad props to my 2nd home, Chitown!!!), and 193 (yes you read that correctly) guys break 1:06 in the Japan 1/2 marathon!!!

Thursday, March 1st - 8 miles. Ran Forest Park with Candace after work. Legs were poopy, and we picked it up at the end which was fun. Penn Station at lunch did not help much, as my stomach was a mess. Don't know total time, but was 8 min/mile pace.

Friday, March 2nd - 6 miles. Ran solo after work around the trails. Another dreary and windy day. 48:02 total time out.

Saturday, March 3rd - 0! My sister came into town late on Friday night, so stayed up with her for a while to catch up. Slept in, basically ran out of time with Megan's Birthday dinner and festivities. Excuses, I know.

Sunday, March 4th - 6 miles (1 up, 4 mile tempo, 1 down). Eventually peeled myself out of bed to get in a late afternoon run. Started pretty late, but was somewhat nice (breezy and overcast, but 40-50 degrees). Basically ran my tempo on the trail out and back, then a loop of Village Circle. Went out a little fast and tried to maintain, but really struggled at the end to hit pace. Crappy sleep, crappy eating, and crappy drinking contributed to all this. Had all intentions of going out for a few more miles later, but completely crapped out on that. 4 mile tempo - 24:55 (6:09, 6:09, 6:21, 6:15). 41 miles this week (ugh), 20 miles for March, 371 miles for 2012.

Monday, March 5th - 7 miles. Ran out and back on the trail, then 270 loop. Caught Megan for a couple miles in between, but ran the rest solo. WINDY. Don't remember time, but splits were all over the map.

Tuesday, March 6th - 4 miles. 20-30 mph winds equals sucks. No track work for me after last week's Wash U track workout mess. Opted for easy mileage, and the virtual day of rest was nice.

Wednesday, March 7th - 8 miles. Ran with Megan in Forest Park and paced her through this run. Another windy day, but there were a lot of people out and about. Felt ok for the most part, but my right shin was bothering me towards the end of the run. Looped around the park perimeter starting from the Visitor's Center, then tacked on a couple miles towards the end. 1:20:35 overall.

St. Patty's Day preview run with the group tonight, then TBD for Fri and Sat runs. Toolen's Top of the Morning Hibernian Run 5K on Sunday - very excited to shake off some rust and get in hopefully a solid performance!

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