Friday, August 14, 2009

Where did this week go?!?!? has been a tornado of a week! Hope everyone survived and is ready to enjoy a nice weekend! First, here is an article in the NY Times talking about whether running actually HELPS knees because continuous exercise tends to have a protective effect rather than destructive. Basically in conclusion, if you are lucky and don't suffer a major injury, you actually will be helping to strengthen your knees through running - pretty interesting stuff.

So yesterday, I get a text from Tim saying he was accepted as a Brooks As stated on their website, Brooks I.D. is made up of over 1,500 members who are active in their running communities and share a passion for the Brooks brand. They are runners who are winners in their own right: Winning their age divisions, accomplishing their personal goals, pushing their own limits, and, by extension, encouraging others to do the same. They are coaches, mentors, and leaders. Pretty awesome that Tim's application got accepted, and maybe adds even more motivation now that he is partially sponsored. I decided to give it a try as well, so sent in an application - my running team Big River Running is sponsored by Brooks, and I just bought a pair of Adrenaline GTS's as well as wear a Brooks singlet in local races so would be a natural fit. We shall see! Congrats Timmy!!!

Went for a run in the evening after yet another long day and well-deserved power nap. Crystal texted me opting out of our scheduled hill workout because of massive headache, and said she was going to try to get in 4 miles on Friday on our day off, so I decided to change my workout to 4 mile tempo seeing I have done 0 speedwork since the successful Summer Sizzler 5K PR a few weeks ago. Weather has been hot during the day, but cools off by 7 so felt pretty nice going outside - sunny, 70's, a little humid but not unbearable. Didn't really know what to expect pacewise, so had Tim set a goal for me - 6:30's, and I was going to try to work with that and how my body felt. First mile, felt pretty good about a quarter mile in but started to fade - typically my fast running strategy has always been run hard the first mile, then settle into a decent pace but with lack of recent speedwork and the wear of the longer runs that wasn't going to be easy. Stupid IPOD headphones kept falling out, so was a pain in the butt basically running one-armed while trying to adjust. Hit the trail, felt ok at about the 1.5 mile marker but was definitely showing signs of laboring. Turned around, legs started to have that deadened feeling around 2.5 mile marker - blah! Last mile coming home is rolling hills, and just completely sucked. I hit a small downgrade coming towards home and in shock saw two pregnant ladies smoking cigarettes and fist fighting!!! WTF?!?! In retrospect, probably should have stopped and said something but was too tired and wanted to get the run over with. Hit the last quarter hard, tried to stay loose, and stumbled home. Total mileage: 4 miles - splits were: 6:11, 6:18, 6:18, 6:14.

Run was pretty tortuous, wasn't happy that it took that much effort to get it done but I guess it was a good workout nonetheless. Splits were AWESOME, but probably worked too hard to hit those times. Thank God today is day off!!!! Will be well needed for the 19 miler tomorrow and 9 mile pace on Sunday. This weekend, plan to relax a bit, clean up, LAUNDRY, and watch Tiger tear it up at Hazeltine as well as the World Championship Track and Field and NYC 1/2! TGIF!!!!

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