Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Saturday!

Pretty cool news - Dathan Ritzenhein tearing it up in the 5K in a meet in Zurich, setting an American record by 2 seconds! As most of you know, he just recently switched coaches to Alberto Salazar who coaches other elite athletes like Alan Webb and Kara Goucher. Dathan ran 12:56 to defeat Bob Kennedy's 13 year old record. Congrats Ritz!!!

Track and Field Videos on Flotrack

Friday, finished up another long work week then headed to the track in the evening with Crystal to do some track work (scheduled 7X800). Felt kind of weird switching off days, plus we had run so early on Wednesday that is was almost like we had 2 days off so I was feeling pretty lethargic. Weather was cool and humid, having rained most of the morning and some of the afternoon. We warmed up with a 3/4 mile jog, then had the misfortune of having a hoard of kids march their way on the track, deciding to play their football game ON the actual track. This was pretty much the last thing we wanted to see was a ton of hyperactive kids running in our way, so tried to communicate to them to leave the first couple lanes open for us to do speedwork. To their credit, they complied, probably because they could tell that Crystal was going to pretty much eviscerate anybody that got in our way ;) First rep felt ok - was tight, tried to lead a conservative pace, and think I did ok. Could tell that this workout was going to be tough, as we haven't done speedwork in over 6 weeks and obviously been focusing mostly on conditioning rather than speed. Crystal led the 2nd rep, pretty much destroyed both of us as we went blazing right from the start. Next couple, settled in a rhythm but legs were starting to get that leadened feeling and could certainly feel having to use my upper body a lot more on the last 200 meters. Crystal wasn't feeling too well, so she declared she was only doing 5 reps (7 were planned), so wanted to make the last 2 with her count. I set pace on both those, but on the outside lane which is definitely a lot harder to do so but felt fine doing so. Her and Pat left, decided to try to knock out my last 2 quickly, as it was getting dark and I was pretty tired. Without Crystal, sooo much harder to control pace so just concentrated on keeping a consistent turnover. Last rep, felt like the first 400 meters was so much faster than the time indicated, but decided to have fun with it so turned the jets on the last 300 meters. Saw a walker ahead, and decided I was going to catch her - caught her well before the last turn, felt my body naturally kicking and pretty much killed it and nailed my negative split. Did cooldown, stretched afterwards. Total mileage: 5 miles - splits were: 2:56, 2:47, 2:55, 2:54, 2:51, 2:46, 2:36 (yikes!).

This morning, woke up bright and early for our scheduled long run. Weather was chilly (high 50's), but warmed up fast. We decided to do the Troy route, which I had done a few long runs already but not yet with Crystal. Legs felt better than I thought they would, but groin was still noticably tight. Was able to shake it out the first couple miles so it felt more comfortable. We noticed a little more activity than usual on the trails (maybe the later start due to FANTASTIC weather this weekend), so played a little game modeled off the Nike Battle of the Sexes commercial I posted a while back. We were counting how many guy runners were out there vs. women runners - walkers didn't count, bikers made up for 1/3 of a runner. The women ended up winning (I think the final count was 14-1/3 to 11-2/3?), but the men take a consolation prize by technically having more of us out there :) Anyways, the run was fine - first 6 miles flew pretty fast, and we were hitting ok splits that felt like a slow jog. On the turnaround, started to cramp up pretty bad, and it wasn't getting much better. Tried doing everything to alleviate the cramp, but was getting worse by the step. Decided to stop for a bathroom break a little past the 9 mile marker, but kind of succumbed to the pain and had to walk a little bit to try to work it out. Last 3 miles were not pretty, as clearly my body was not responding to the run very well. Never had this before, it was pretty weird. Total mileage: 12 miles - splits were: 8:51, 8:20, 8:23, 8:27, 8:21, 8:35, 8:18, 8:21, 8:36, 8:06, 8:04, 8:00.

Ate some food, did minor stretching, took a small nap and woke up to some of the worst pain I have ever experienced in my groin area. It is this stinging burning sensation, and I cannot move my legs without discomfort in that area. My God, I can't even walk correctly right now! It's kind of scary - I am trying to stay off my feet the rest of this day and will pretty much proceed with caution moving forward :(

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