Friday, July 13, 2012

K.C. Bound!

Samsung Diamond Meet this weekend, Meb and London, doping in track and field, Bolt not at 100%, Yohan trying to usurp Bolt as fastest man alive, and a RW chat with Emma Coburn.

Tuesday, July 10th Part 2 - 4 miles p.m.  Ran nice and easy.  270 loop and some change.  35-36 minutes total, I believe.

Wednesday, July 11th - 7 miles.  Out and back towards Troy, then another mile tacked on at the end.  Felt pretty lethargic and first, but then got into a better groove.  I had been struggling on runs over 4 miles, so it's nice to get a few that feel ok.  47:13 for the first 6 miles (24:18 (8:11, 8:05, 8:02), 22:54 (7:53, 7:53, 6:58)), forgot to restart my watch for the last mile but it was slow.

Thursday, July 12th - 7 miles + drills and strides.  Warm night, but not awful.  Ran to the track, did a loop around Ebbets Field, out and back to the stoplight near the track, and a couple laps to get in 6 miles.  Did drills and strides, which felt torturous.  Cooled down with Megan on the track to finish, then headed home to stretch for a very long time.  49 minutes for the 6 miles, around 9 minutes for the cooldown mile.

Off to Kansas City this weekend.  Hoping to get in a couple runs while I'm there, and hoping the weather is cooler than the bad conditions we've had here lately...

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