Thursday, June 24, 2010

Running Update

Has been a pretty decent week so far - let's hope I can keep the momentum going! Found a great article from SI on Chris Solinsky, who is a freaking stud and is making quite the impact on American running. Hoping he can keep up the momentum, and bust out a 26:40 in a 10K sometime down the road - so much potential there!

Monday night, waited till late to get in a run - got home really late from work, then just crashed out for an hour. Weather was hot and humid, and I just ran around my friend's hilly neighborhood pretty much exploring. I have house-sat here before, and found areas where I got lost 2 years ago - lol Felt decent outside, was sweating like crazy because of the conditions but got in 30 minutes pretty easily. Total mileage: ~3.5 miles - total time out was 30 minutes.

Tuesday morning, woke up bright and early and met up with Brian who lives about a mile away from where I am staying. He took us on a loop through the neighborhood, then we got out somewhere in St. Charles and eventually made it to the Kady Trail which is very flat and a soft trail. Was nice to relax on that after navigating through the hilly parts, and it was shaded so even better! Weather was actually not too bad, and the run was fine for the most part. Coming back in, had to run up a huge mountainous hill to get back on the main road - I recognized this as part of the old Lewis and Clark 1/2 Marathon course, which immediately brought back a flood of terrible memories from my first ever half marathon in 2005 where I kicked early thinking the race was over, then had to run 2 more uphill miles including this "mountain"! Felt pretty decent, except for some major stomach pains at the end of the run. Total mileage: 7 miles - ran for roughly an hour.

Tuesday night, Pat and Crystal stopped by. Pat and I grabbed dinner then hit up the pool for a little bit while waiting for Crystal to get back from her hair appointment. Somehow, she got me out of the pool to go to her track workout, which I am still amazed that happened because it was so hot outside, and the pool is AWESOME. Legs felt ok, but were a little tired. Ran 2 up to the Francis Howell North school, and actually ran into Fleetfeet's running group doing their track work so was nice to have company. Weather was hot and super humid - the track is in a little valley, and the air was getting trapped in so was even more nasty. The workout was 8X1 minute at low 6 minute pace with jogs in between reps. Got through the workout, although it was definitely tough at the end. Jogged 2 back, legs were finito so got in the pool to relax and sort of stretch to finish the night. Total mileage: ~6.5 miles

Yesterday, legs were pretty beat so opted for cross training in the pool and chasing the dog around the house :) Am pretty ahead on mileage this week, so wasn't sweating it. Tonight, will get in some easy miles and tomorrow morning is looking like an a.m. run with Brian so on track for another solid week!

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