Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hill Repeats

Last night, had a pretty rough workout. Got home, was sooo windy and I was on the verge of exhaustion, so opted for a long nap. Eventually woke up and forced myself out the door. Decided to do hill work on Meridian, so jogged over there. At this point, was pretty dark outside and there aren't many street lights in the area I was running. The sky was pretty clear, so the moonlight was providing enough for me to see - perfect! Also, the wind speeds had dropped substantially, so was a lot more bearable. The hill is long and a decent grade, so I usually do quarter mile intervals. First one was ok - went out a little fast, sort of struggled at the end. Slowed it down, nailed a couple more repeats before I realized my stomach was starting to act up. Did my fourth repeat, which I pretty much died at the end, and realized my stomach was starting to rebel against me. To add to the fun, I was a few miles away from home. So my workout abruptly ended, and headed back as fast as I could. My planned cooldown turned into a fartlek, and my legs were pretty toast. Got home, stretched, watched a ton of college basketball/Australian Open tennis to end my night. Total mileage: ~7 miles - splits were: 1:27, 1:29, 1:30, 1:34.

Felt ok about the speed work, but legs pretty much felt like garbage towards the end. Left ankle is really sore too, so may ice it down after work. Looking forward to a very slow, relaxing run tonight!

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