Friday, January 22, 2010

Denver bound!

Haile did not set the world record in Dubai this morning, but still won in 2:06:09. Geb has averaged 2:05:40 in all his marathons - just sick!!!!!!!!!! Not much to update on my end over here. Wednesday, got home late, was pretty nasty outside so didn't run. Same on Thursday, so was not feeling too good about myself. Even worse, tweaked my back again shifting positions in a chair playing freaking wii with Pat and Crystal, so did some massive stretching at night. Woke up today, felt ok, got in a quick run at lunchtime. Did an out and back over at work, kind of made it into a fartlek and worked the hills pretty hard. Was cold and windy outside, so good that it sort of simulated conditions for Sunday. Legs felt decent, did the workout faster than I wanted to, but I feel fine. Total mileage: ~3.25 miles - did entire workout in 20-25 minutes.

Flying out to Denve-gas in a few hours. Plan on a run with Tim's running group on Saturday morning which will be done S-L-O-W, lots of stretching afterwards. Then off to Boulder on Sunday morning to battle it out with all the locals. Praying for no snow and I hope it isn't as windy as the forecast indicates. Should be very painful, think good thoughts for me!

One last thing - I forgot to finish up my thought from the other day's post, and I don't know how I forgot this. I am usually not this harsh about subjects, but this was very irritating. There are two like-incidents to discuss. First was my near nasty collision with a biker during my mile repeats. Was half a mile into my 2nd rep, when I was approaching a runner and a biker to her left pretty much hogging up 80% of the trail. Was blazing along full speed ahead, saw neither was budging so yelled out "on your left" pretty loud and clear. Well, idiot biker swerves right into me, and if it wasn't for my ninja-like reflexes (yeah right) would have been schwinned pretty good. Second incident, doing my cooldown back home from the same workout, running against traffic on a pretty tight road. Saw a walker taking up pretty much the entire shoulder of the road, swerving around like a drunken idiot, so called out loudly and clearly "on your left". I jump into the grass, the dude also jumps to the left and clips me. Fortunately, wasn't going too fast so I didn't fall down, but was not a pleasant surprise. So a big thumbs down to all the morons in the city that have tried to take me out on my workouts - nice try, and learn some road/trail etiquette!!!

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