Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leaving for Chicago today!

For those who will be following the Chicago Marathon live or on streaming video, here is the rundown for the top male and female competitors and what they are wearing. Can't believe I am flying out this afternoon to Chicago - will meet Shane at the airport, then Tim flies in later tonight. It is raining cats and dogs in the Midwest, and hoping to get this all out of the system by Sunday. Temps will be in the 30's and 40's for the race, which is pretty chilly but better than the 80+ we had last year!

Yesterday after work, did a quick 3 miles. Weather was cool and overcast - about mid 60's. Didn't bring a watch, and just wanted to keep a good rhythm. Completed the run in 24-25 minutes, felt a little tired at the end but hopefully just from the hills coming back. Packed for the weekend, and did many errands at night as well as had a wonderful dinner with Pat and Crystal (homemade turkey chili - thanks Crystal!!). Legs feel really good, and I am in as good of health and shape as I could have asked for :)

Back to the list...

12: Running sponsors - Thank you Big River Running and Brooks Running for giving me a little financial leeway on shoes and apparel! Those costs tend to accrue pretty quickly, and I go through running shoes at quite the alarming rate! My sponsors have pretty much elongated my competitive running career (lol), and gives me motivation to represent them well and do the best that I can!

11: Work and other daily problems - Thanks to a ridiculous work schedule this summer, I have been more stressed than I have ever been in life, but actually worked out well for my running. Nothing better than to hammer out some hard miles after a hard day's work. Many issues and problems have been solved in the solitude of the Glen Carbon trails, and also has probably helped me achieve some amazing workouts in the process :)

10: America's Obesity - I'm sorry, but America is the fattest country in the world. I know, because I was one of them and quite honestly that has motivated me more than ever to work hard to stay as lean as possible (even though I don't eat like it!). It's terrible to hear about the state of health in the U.S., and I honestly think we wouldn't have to worry so damn much about health care if people took care of themselves first and foremost.

9: World Marathon Majors - I consider myself a marathon snob for only running the marathon majors (Chi, NYC, Boston, Berlin, London), but if you have run any of these races before you probably understand why. I created a goal for myself a couple years ago to complete all these marathons before I was done, and fully intend to achieve this. Plus, as stated before, what better way to see these cities then to run through all of it and experience the culture firsthand?

8: Support of Family and Friends - I have been blessed to have amazing support, and once again I couldn't do anything without this. It's been a thrill to see everyone on the course to come out and see me when running any of my major races, and just the biggest adrenaline rush I could ask for. Thank you all!

7: Elite Racers and Other Boston Qualifiers - I am completely in awe of all of you, and you guys have set the benchmark for what I hope to achieve in running. Obviously, elite racers are a bit out of my spectrum, but you have to have heroes to follow, right?

6: Runners World/Running Times - My outlet for running news and the library from which I extract limitless information concerning running. I have used so many workouts from these publications and websites that have benefited me, and I am so glad that they are so easily accessible and at my disposal.

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