Tuesday, October 6, 2009

5 more days!!!

First a couple articles - this one is a good interview with running coach Terrence Mahon who coaches Ryan Hall and Deena Kastor. Very insightful commentary on the state of American Running. Also, a cool little tidbit about ultra marathoner great Dean Karnazes who will be running an additional 26.2 miles after running the Chicago Marathon! Absolutely insane!!!

Wow, the days have flown by and here we are only a few days away from the Chicago Marathon!!! I find myself at the tail end of this taper period starting to feel pretty antsy not running as much as I usually do, but my brain quickly thanks my body for the rest from the mentally grueling task of running 50+ miles per week. I have quite honestly been so busy the last few weeks that it's been almost a blessing that I haven't had time to reflect and psych myself out for the marathon. Jared asked me if I was getting nervous about Chi and I sort of thought about it and realized I haven't really haven't given much thought but it will set it pretty soon, especially when I set foot in Chicago on Thursday. I did all the preparation I could, runs were better quality and I am faster than I have ever been as evidenced by some great PR's this year. Long runs went amazing, and hit a couple 22 milers with ease this session. Executed all the marathon indicator workouts pretty easily, and I am healthy coming into this race. Marathoning is such a cruel sport in which one year of hard preparation can be undone with one bad day, so it is pretty much up to the Running Gods at this point - I have done all I can this year :)

In honor of Sunday and the last year for that matter, I created a list of 26 things I am most thankful for during this training session (in no particular order) that I will share over the next few days:

26(.2) : Unlimited Eating - and yes, I have proven my tapeworms have spawned many generations in my stomach due to some pretty ridiculous eating. Buffet City was most recently victim to this...

25: Beer after hard workouts - nothing better after a hard workout or race this year then a Bud Light Lime with Pat and Crystal. Amazing how much better beer tastes after you've done some hard work :)

24: Being in great shape - Arguably, the best perk of marathon training. Assuming you are actually doing most of the workouts on a consistent basis, it is almost impossible not to be in great shape when running a billion miles a week. I have lost almost 40 lbs. since my first marathon, and I don't miss a single lb. at all!!!!

23: My Running Crew - You guys inspire me through all your hard work - I have been thrilled at every hard workout you killed, every PR you guys accomplish, and absolutely elated we are running this marathon together. My best races have been run with you guys, as well as some of my favorite trips ever (and more to come). This weekend will be an amazing experience :)

22: Long Stretching after a workout - albeit painful at the time, my God does a good 15 minute stretch feel absolutely amazing after a good run! On that tangent, thank the inventors of the foam roller and the stick for saving my legs from suffering from major IT band issues...

21: Excuse to Sleep all day - I know this sounds absolutely lazy, but if I just ran 22 miles in the rain at 6 a.m., I am going to sleep all day and like it!!!

20: Excitement of Racing - Nothing gets my blood pumping like the anticipation before a big race. And the funny part was when I ran cross country in high school, I absolutely hated it. If you ever have an opportunity to even spectate a big race, please do and you'll be amazed how exciting it actually is.

Yesterday evening, got in an easy 3 miles. Weather was a little warmer (mid 70's), and just went at a leisurely pace. Probably a little faster than I would have liked, but felt good. Didn't wear a watch, probably was hitting high 7 to low minute pace. A little corework and stretching afterwards, abs are pretty sore today. Tonight, last track work and a ton of stretching!

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