Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It hurts to cough...

Robo-Marathoner wins the big race! 800 meter world record holder David Rudisha is fast, rest may not necessarily be the answer, hoping the lovely Miss Kara Goucher feels better, and an awesome article about why runners can eat like pigs.

Tuesday, March 1 - 7 miles: 1 up, 3 miles track (reverse ladder - 1600 - 5:49, 12:00 - 4:17, 800 - 2:42, 400 - 1:14)., 3 down. Nice, brisk night for track work. Quick warmup and stretching, got right into it. Tired legs starting out - definitely felt like I was working a bit on the first half of the workout, and cut my rest time/jog in between to the minimum. Blazed through the first half of the 800 in 1:18, and had to slow it down a little not to get out of control. Jumped into the quarter after a tiny break, legs were dead and felt like jello but wanted to hit sub 1:18 since I had hit the split on the previous rep. 36, 38 seconds on the 200 meter splits, was pretty happy overall with the workout but a lot of effort. 3 mile cooldown afterwards at a very easy effort - would have hit more, but had some massive chafing issues and was getting pretty painful! On a side note, a big thumbs down to the group of punk middle school kids that were heckling me throughout my workout. Your mothers should be ashamed of your dirty mouths. I am curious as to why young kids would be hanging out at the middle school track late on a school night, but I don't understand today's youth either...

Started doing some good stretching and massive corework this week. It literally hurts to sit up, and it hurts to cough. This is what I get for disregarding some key workout components. My right shin is really sore right now - hurts when I press on the area, which I'm hoping is not what I think it might be. Easy runs till the weekend 5K - talked with Candace briefly last night, looks like she is in phenomenal shape leading up to the next few races, so will probably be hanging back in the pack until I get some more work in. Will definitely be utilizing The Stick daily to work out the soreness and give my legs a nice massage in the process...

Tomorrow, Crystal is going to guest blog her Columbus experiences and thoughts! Stay tuned...

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