Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Is Galen Rupp running the NYC Half? Pittsburgh Marathon Incentives, and Asian runners are awesome!

Monday, February 28 - 6 miles (44:10 - 7:45, 7:50, 7:19, 7:28, 7:28, 6:20). Legs were a little tired, but did a slight trail loop, then my 270 loop to finish it out. Chilly night to run, but felt better a few miles into it. Debris everywhere on the trail and in the neighborhood, and had to literally climb over a tree on the trail. Anyways, was cruising along, felt tired but moving ok. Was clicking off some faster splits, but felt decent. Last mile, felt myself pushing but not too much, so was uber-shocked to see the split. Massive stretching and corework later, happy to get this in.

Really aggravated that I can click off a 6:20 at the end of a run with relatively little effort, but I finally caught up on some sleep and felt a lot better going into this run then I did all weekend. Really feel weird about how inconsistent my running feels, and I just haven't felt right all year but this may be 100% attributed to poor nutrition and lack of rest. That is my main focus moving forward, improving those areas...

So 169 miles for the month of February (350 total for 2011), and cruising along. Working more on flexibility and corework, and general better nutrition since it can't get much worse than it is now. Doing a gall bladder/liver flush this week, which involves drinking a ton of apple juice and some other interesting liquids, so we shall see how this works out. Intentially eating light and not as much to help facilitate this process. Speed work tonight, TBD the actual workout...

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