Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tempo Thursdays

Quick interview I found on Geb - thought this was pretty cool and interesting, and I'm just fascinated with the top runners of the world (Geb being arguably the greatest runner ever) and how they think in general. He has had an amazing career thus far, and it is still far from over as he hits the twilight years of his career.

Yesterday, got home from work and took a nap. Dragged myself out for my easy run. Really windy and overcast, but pretty warm. Did out and back towards Troy, was running into a really strong wind going out, so was fighting it. Probably pushed it harder than I would have liked, and was getting tired coming home. Really dropped pace the last 2 miles because I was pretty sure I was going too fast, and I was getting dangerously tired. Lots of people out there, was nice to have some company on the trail. Total mileage: 6 miles - total time out was about 48 minutes (too fast for recovery run)

Today, Trisha is in town and it is raining cats and dogs, so opted for treadmill time at lunch at my friend's place since I am meeting up with her after work. Luckily, the good treadmill was not taken, so I had the t.v. and fan at my disposal. Unluckily, the 250 lb. meathead (wearing a hoodie) that was doing free weights must have been cutting for his fight coming up, because he jacked up the heat in the middle of my tempo. Seriously, not a good thing to have 80 degree heat blasting at you while running hard. Regardless, did my tempo, put the treadmill at 9 mph and ran there for a while, sped up the last 1.5 miles and jacked up the incline to make it more challenging. Felt amazingly good, turnover/stride seems to be in place. Total mileage: 6 miles - ran for about 39 minutes.

Skipped warmup and cooldown because of time but if it stops raining and I feel like it later, then I might get out for a small jog late at night. Otherwise, may push it till tomorrow if I am feeling up to it, but the rest would be nice too. On pace for 50+, feeling pretty damn good :)

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