Saw this and thought it was pretty cool - an opportunity to run with Dean Karnazes in his cross country run across the nation to promote good health. This crazy guy is attempting to eat McDonalds every day, then run sub 2:38 at the L.A. Marathon!!! 10 high school records that will be tough to beat, and the lovely Miss Kara Goucher is back!
On a much sadder note, a very tragic news note that the P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll Women's Marathon Winner, Sally Meyeroff, was killed in an accident during her training. Praying for her family and friends during these tragic times...
Tuesday, March 8 - 0! Torrential rain fall and 40 degree weather don't mix, not the end of the world because my right shin/calf continues to hurt slightly.
Wednesday, March 9 - 4 miles. Nice and slow, and very late. Mother Nature has been on a rampage with some cold, windy weather lately, and she tried her best to manhandle me. Wanted to get in 6 miles, but settled for 4 nice and slow. Calf continues to be a nuisance, not too bad, but enough for me to notice.
Tonight, track work with Crystal. 2X2 miles at tempo, hopefully not too windy tonight!
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