Congrats to Kara Goucher for her new book which is coming out soon! It may be a future purchase for the women runners I know (i.e. Crystal, Tim (jk)). Alan Webb is leaving Alberto, Paula Radcliffe thoughts, London Olympic Stadium is completed, Ryan Hall - future chef?, and a RW chat with Masters runner Sheri Piers.
Wednesday, Mar 30 - ~16.5 miles: 2 up, 2 x (30 minutes easy, 3 mile tempo), 1 down. Talked with Crystal beforehand, and thought if we hit 6:33-6:37 pace on the tempos, we would be happy. Perfect day in Forest Park to run - a little cloudy, but fairly cool and breezy. Ran our warmup around FP before stretching out, then looped around for 30 minutes before jumping into the tempo which we were doing on the 2 mile BRR loop. Felt pretty sluggish starting out (big hill immediately before leveling off), but got locked in eventually and felt pretty good finishing out the first set. Sort of wish we could have kept going, but that wasn't the workout. Looped around some more at an easy pace before jumping into the second rep. Felt tired after the first mile, and started to fall a couple steps behind Crystal towards the end of the second mile but just sucked it up and pulled back with her. Got locked back in, and we negative split the last mile which is always an awesome feeling. 10 minutes down, stretched in the Visitor's Center, then headed for a celebratory meal at the Good Pie with Pat and Crystal. Very pleased with this workout - definitely a tough one, but hit excellent splits and felt pretty strong for the most part. On a side note, noticed a surplus of cops in FP all thoughout the run - saw at least 5 people pulled over on the 2nd half of the workout, and many just parked all over the park. Good to see a ton of runners/bikers out there as well. Tempo splits were: 19:38 (6:37, 6:31, 6:28), 19:29 (6:33, 6:31, 6:24). Everything else averaged around 8:10 pace.
Easy mileage to the weekend. Legs feel tired, but manageable, and will enjoy the easy 4 miler tonight!
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