Here is a good article about the one and only Miss Kara Goucher I found on Universal Sports talking about her season thus far and preparation for the World Championships this fall. It sounds like the work she is putting in thus far is going great, and she will be ready to bring home a championship. Also, RW had an interview with Deena Kastor talking about the state of her running and her goals for Chicago.
Also found this concerning the Olympic Marathon Course in Chicago if Chicago is selected for the 2016 Summer Games.
A Chicago Olympic Marathon Course Would Look About 88 Percent Familiar
Bank of America Chicago Marathon Executive Director Carey Pinkowski said Wednesday that the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid committee's proposed marathon layout is "really using the Bank of America Chicago Marathon course, starting in Grant Park, using approximately 23 miles of the existing course.... The only difference is when we get to Michigan Avenue, which is about mile 23, instead of going north on Michigan Avenue into Grant Park, the route will go South on Michigan Avenue into Washington Park, where the Olympic Stadium will be."
How cool would that be for Chi to get the Olympics? And with a flat course like that, definitely a good opportunity for records to be broken! Summer heat might be a huge deterrant, but Sammy Wanjiru proved it can be overcome when he ran 2:06 in a sultry day in the 08 Games...
Wednesday night, got in a quick easy run on my friend's treadmill. Started pretty easy, and progressively sped up. Legs were a little tired from the heavy track workout the night before, but overall felt fine. Ran for for about 40 minutes total, stretched afterwards and did some corework. Also jumped in my buddy's pool and did a few laps, felt AWESOME to be in water again. Total mileage: ~4.5 - splits were: 8:14, 8:03, 7:52, 7:41. Took yesterday off due to the ridiculously hot weather and working so late, but talked over the weekend schedule with Crystal. Tonight, long run - try to hit 12, really depends on the weather. Saturday, something light early on, then I have a golf tournament in the morning to attend. Sunday, I will be rabbiting for Crystal in her leg of a team sprint triathlon. I actually did this last year, and had a good time. The course is hilly, and will be challenging especially if the weather is as hot as it has been but will be a great opportunity to be a race situation and get in a great speed workout.
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