Yes, Wednesday Is Going to Be National Running Day
It's the first time around for what we're told will, by next year, be World Running Day, and there are major activities planned in Boston, New York, Atlanta, Houston, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Little Rock, and....okay, name an American city! Go to to find out what's happening near you. In Cambridge, you can warm up with four-time Boston Marathon king Bill Rodgers and run a mile with him at a meet on MIT's track. More
Pretty cool there is an actual National Running Day. Unfortunately, not too many activities planned in our area according to the website, but I definitely encourage everybody to get out and get in a run! While we're on that subject, here is an AWESOME Nike commercial I found on youtube:
Fun little theme they have, and I am thinking about signing up! Pat and Tim, we're counting on you to bring up the count for the males! I think Crystal and I are pretty much going to cancel each other out, but Stacy is getting in some impressive miles herself :)
So last night after a wonderful dinner of grilled vegetables and jalapeno burgers (thanks Pat and Crystal!), did our Monday run. Weather was pretty humid, and there wasn't much of a breeze at all. We started pretty late in hopes it would cool down, and it was still nasty outside - at 9 p.m., it was still 82 degrees!!! Did a loop around Glen Carbon - started out first 4 miles on the trails (out and back), then traversed around town. First half was ok, kept up a pretty easy pace, and found ourselves having to slow down a bit. Animals were out and about everywhere on the trail - raced a rabbit who jumped on in front of us, almost ran over a meandering frog early on, got stared down by a deer who clearly didn't know what to do when he/she saw us approaching (we thought for a second the deer was going to run into us!), and ran past the monstrous villain, Pat who was doing a shorter loop :) Barely made it off the trails before it was pretty dark, and the still, humid air didn't really help much. Felt ok on miles 5,6, but last 2 miles were eh. Picked it up on the final mile, and felt ok but overall pretty tired and worn out. Had a dog jump at us in the neighborhood, so was a nice way to jump start our hearts at the end of a run. Total Mileage: ~8 - splits were: 8:02, 7:58, 8:11, 7:55, 7:47, 7:52, 7:38, 7:18.
Legs are beat this morning, so today's scheduled fartlek may be interesting, especially with another 90 degree day in store for us. Race week, so was looking thru some old race pictures to get me pumped up!

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