Whew!!! What a whirlwind of a weekend! Busy times with the Run for the Stars 10K, friend’s wedding, and miscellaneous errands. Friday ended up being a pretty long day with the rehearsal dinner for my friend Jody’s wedding, so ended up missing my scheduled run. I wasn’t too overly upset about this, because the race was the next day, but was pretty disappointed in general with erratic running this week, not to mention terrible diet. That WILL change moving forward. Got home late on Friday from the wedding rehearsal, completely passed out on the couch.
Race Morning
Woke up bright and early, ate a quick breakfast of yogurt and peanut butter crackers, then headed over to Pat and Crystal’s to ride together for the race. Decided to give my old 903’s one more shot at glory before race retirement - hadn’t touched them since the STL Half Marathon mess so cleaned them up for their final performance. Got situated, surveyed the scene, and started warming up. Crystal, Stacy, and I did a 10 minute shakeout run, then a few strides right before the race. Weather was in the 70’s and pretty sunny – slightly humid, but all things aside pretty nice conditions considering how
At the Start
Lined up in the front, talked race strategy with
Weird runner guy
Mile By Mile Report
Mile 1 – Gun went off, and away we went! Went off with my team member and two other guys, and pretty much blazed through the first mile. Stride felt relaxed, but was kind of worried since I noticeably felt dehydrated. We started on long, slight downhill, and worked into a flat area before making our way up a longer hill. Saw my pace was pretty quick (~5:30) and kind of chastised myself for running with the 5K lead pack, and made myself slow down and run my own race.
Mile 2 – Watched the 5K leader break off and completely separate himself from everybody, and settled in following a couple runners. Legs still felt ok, and the faster pace felt fine at this point – still a bit dehydrated. We were weaving through
Mile 3 – Hit a few hills, legs started to get heavy. My pace group was starting to speed up, so was struggling to keep the aggressive pace. The 5K and 10K broke off a little past halfway of the 3rd mile, and I was in 2nd or 3rd place at this point. I had evil thoughts of just running the 5K since I was on 5K PR pace and had a bit left for a massive final kick, but motored on the 10K route. At this point, the turnoff became a really small, rocky trail, so was a lot different than running on the road and had to adjust my stride. The leader of the pack was pretty far ahead of me, so was pretty much pacing myself at this point. Kind of running into a slight wind, so felt myself slowing down trying to settle into a better rhythm. A couple runners passed me at the end of this mile, and my hopes and dreams of a top 3 finish were rapidly disappearing.
Mile 4 – We finally exited from the rocky trail, and made our way back onto the roads again but right into an uphill. Definitely wasn’t feeling too good, and heard a couple runners gaining ground on me. Was slowly passed by three runners, and hung on the coat tails of that group.
Mile 5 – Was feeling like crap at this point, and was still working with the same group. Ran stride for stride with one of the runners for a while, and I checked behind and didn’t see anyone too close. I asked him what age group he was in, and he said he was about to ask me the same thing – he was in the 40-49, so I told him “have fun”, and dropped pace. Wasn’t really feeling it, and didn’t want to really kill myself and suffer through the last 1.5 miles, so fell back to a serviceable pace. My goal of top 3 overall was pretty much doomed at this point, so that factored in my decision. We merged with the remaining 5K runners/walkers partway through, and had to weave a bit but felt a little better for the most part.
Mile 6 and Finish – Felt pretty tired, but was motoring along. Saw Pat and his parents on the side of the road which was very nice to see some friendly faces. My friend Dave and his girlfriend (they ran the 5K) were at the last quarter mile as well, so glad to see them too. The pack that I let go was about 100 meters in front of me, but didn’t have much of a kick to catch them especially with the uphill finish (almost half a mile) so just cruised in. [Mile Split
Peter Kim M29
Clock Time 40:38
Chip Time 40:34
Overall Place 8/230
Gender Place 8/?
Division Place 1/17
Pace 6:33/Mile (Garmin had 6:27 pace, course might have been 0.1 miles long)
Final Thoughts
Had mixed feelings about the race, but overall was pleased with the result. Probably should have tried to hang with the pack at the end, but most likely would have been outkicked at the end anyways as my legs weren’t feeling it that day. A little disappointed in the time, but ran hard so it is what it is. Immediately after the race, went to get some water then watch everyone else finish.
Group photo
Proud winners :)
Hung out in the parking lot for some celebratory beers, and went to get lunch in the University City Loop at a pizza place called Dewey’s – great pizza! Afterwards, went home and got ready for my friend’s wedding, and had a very nice time at a beautiful wedding and reception. Stayed out somewhat late, and had quite a few adult beverages throughout the night.
Sunday morning, got some early texts from
So the week’s running was very inconsistent, but somehow plentiful - 4 days, 39-40 miles, with an awesome 22 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Next week will be a lot more light, as we definitely worked our butts off at the end. Calves are pretty shot right now, so am going to enjoy a couple easy days we decided to schedule to start the week.
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