Yesterday, went for an easy run with Crystal, which was designated our "Brooks Defyance Run" as she was trying out her new shoes! Weather was sunny, 70, and a slight breeze, so felt great outside. I had bought a Nike visor this weekend, so was trying that out versus running with a hat. I am 100% sold on the visor and the ventilation it offers is perfect for running outside. We did an out and back 4 mile route with easy effort, and felt good all the way through. Last mile, picked it up at the end a little, but was more testing out the new shoes (got raving reviews from Crystal). Can't remember the splits exactly, but I think 7:56, 7:52, 7:45, 7:33?
So Pat's lovely sister Stacy has recently decided to take up running and signed up for a local 10K, the St. Louis Science Center Run for the Stars 10K/5K, which our little running group of Pat, Crystal, and I have been sucked into as well. I have actually never ran a 10K before (8K's and 5 miles are my closest) and definitely not in the best speed shape like I was earlier this year. My running team leader had put me on a ridiculous 6 week running schedule to prep for the St. Patrick's Day 5 Mile Parade Run in March and as tortuous as it was, it resulted in a massive PR of 30:33 so I know what needs to be done to get back to that shape. However, the 10K is in 3 weeks, and I have already conceded that I don't have the time to prepare for that type of time effort, so have laid out some speedwork over the next few weeks to hopefully prep me enough to race somewhat decent. Tonight, doing mile repeats on the track - not my favorite workout by any means, but will offer a "state of the union address" of what my current speed situation is.
Lovely huh...aren't you sweet =)