Last night, immediately passed out upon coming home from work. Woke up around 7:30, and dragged myself out for a quick, easy run. Didn't bring a watch, kept the pace very honest and did an out and back on a somewhat hilly route. Weather was windy and HUMID (ended up with some insane storms overnight!!!). My body was in a completely lethargic state and my legs were feeling pretty tired from the last week, so definitely was trying to keep Paula's advice of 40 minutes recovery run. It was funny that my body is so used to pushing myself, and I'm trying to keep a pretty slow pace while my body is just tired and worn out, yet I could feel my legs want to kick for that harder pace and found myself slowing down so many times. Ended up settling down eventually, got in around 4.5 total with warmup/cooldown. I have no idea of the pace or time, as I was sidetracked talking to neighbors immediately after my run, but I'm guessing around 35-40 minutes total? Minor stretching, then played poker/drank beer (doh!) with my neighbors afterwards, and found myself wishing I was an undergrad again with very little responsibilities other than school and where I was drinking at the next night!
Tonight, playing golf with a couple friends after work, then tempo run. Playing around with ideas on tonight's workout, seeing a 10K is possibly approaching in early June...
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