Good interview with Leo Mazzano, U.S. Olympian and Winner of the Big River Festival of Miles on Runners World. Also, found another tidbit on RW concerning Ryan Hall:
"But the most intriguing news about Ryan Hall is that by going to his Twitter account,
I am going to be quite frank that I am not a Twitter fan by any means and consider it rather silly and basically a glorified text messaging forum, but I hope that Twitterers everywhere vote for Hall to run in Chicago. I commented last month about the Chicago Marathon, as a World Marathon Major, lagging behind some of their other star-studded compatriots in failing to attract some of those impact names (with all due respect to the elite who have ran the last few years). Ryan Hall is an impact name, one of the shining stars of American distance running today, and arguably the biggest hope to bring home a marathon major title to the U.S. I think his presence could attract other star runners to come as well, but he alone would raise even more interest in the marathoning community towards Chicago. NYC is considered the Super Bowl of marathons, and I can vouch for how AMAZING that experience is and consider that race to be the top of the top but please Ryan, come to Chicago!!!! You aren't going to PR in hilly NYC, but could drop an amazing time in flat Chicago!!! Plus I am selfish, and want to say I ran with Ryan Hall in Chicago :)
Yesterday, finished booking travel to Chicago for October. Insane to have everything basically ready to go before June but on the other hand it's nice to have all my plans complete already, and just have to concentrate on running instead of the stressful, intricate details of travel. Flying in on Thursday evening, taking the train back on Monday afternoon - booked both legs of travel for under $90, so was pleased with that. Staying with Anne over the marathon weekend - she has seen all my marathons, and has hosted me everytime I have run Chi (we run by her place on Clark right around the 15K marker), so owe her big time!!! Shoes are bought for the next 5 months, and am expecting my 904's to arrive today so will have a detailed report coming shortly!!!
Tuesday, was scheduled to be my speedwork day, but completely fell through due to averse weather conditions. Was hot and steamy (complete opposite of my perfect cool and dry weather last weekend in Chi), and I truly despise the weather in the Lou. My buddy Ryan was stopping by on his way back from Oklahoma to Chicago, so wanted to finish the workout before he arrived - I got ready as soon as I got home, but then started to pour rain everywhere. One meal/nap later, it was too late - perhaps it was a blessing in disguise as legs were sore, and speedwork would have been rough. Wed., got ready to run right after work, but once again started to rain - this time, it literally dumped all evening. It was pretty ridiculous. Laid down to watch tv and wait for it to let up, and started to nap which is pretty much the kiss of death for my running. Tim actually texted me before I reached complete unconsciousness (my point of no return), and ended up getting in a text conversation which woke me up (thank you Tim!). Rain had let up a little, and was muggy outside but somewhat cool so decided to tough it out. Planned workout was 3X2 miles - never done this workout before, but did 2X2 miles in preparation for St. Patty's Day Race this spring and was kind of fearful as I did hit my splits but was a really tough workout. I strategized to go kind of fast the first rep, slower in the 2nd rep, coast into the 3rd rep and finish strong - basically pretty close to how I normally race. Picked out an out and back, which is rolling hills the entire way. Better to simulate race conditions, quite frankly. First rep went ok, coming back was work, and went out too hard. 5 minute powerade break, 2nd rep started kind of rough, but absolutely hit my stride coming back to the point where I considered keeping going because it felt so easy. 5 minute powerade break, and last rep. Was raining harder now, but absolutely LOVED it! Pretty soaked, but my feet were dry :) Went a different route (going out downhill, coming back uphill), and felt ok - the impetus for the change was to make me work the last mile, and was definitely pushing a bit up the long, steady hill. Picked it up the last quarter and finished strong. Felt surprisingly good, and did a 2 mile cooldown afterwards. Total Mileage: ~8 (with warmup and cooldown). Splits for the 3X2: 12:18 (6:06, 6:12), 12:45 (6:18, 6:27), 12:31 (6:15, 6:16).
So was on cloud nine after this workout, ready to get back at it tonight. Probably an easy run (4-6), then if feeling ok on Friday I'll do my tempo then. Can't wait to get home to see my new shoes!!!
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