Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chocolate Race Recap, Alberto is a dick

USA Indoor Championships, controversy, Tokyo Marathon, Lagat rules, 9 year old runs 1:41more of the mess, follow up of the controversy, Alberto Salazar is a dick,

There were a ton of things that happened last weekend, but let me state my opinion on the man that was in the center of all these storms - Alberto Salazar.  First, he submits an appeal  for Jordan Hasay, who clearly got destroyed in the 3K final - I don't fault the action as there was questionable, but hearing his behavior towards Gabe's husband and the way he bullied the USTAF officials was inexcusable.  And now, he allegedly verbally berated Lopez Lomong for no reason whatsoever - he accused Lomong of bumping his prized pupil Galen Rupp and basically tore him a new hole for being frustrated.

Salazar is a classless act and a spoiled brat, and his behavior shouldn't be condoned.  Now, as news of his actions becomes more public, I hope that people start to really take notice of how much of a bully and terrible person he really is.  He has no right to go after Lomong - Lomong is a million times more of a man that Salazar will ever be, and sorry he's faster than your boy. Rupp.  No doubt that Alberto is a legend and a brilliant coach, but he needs to learn some humility and class.  He is representing one of the biggest brands in the world (Nike), as well as some of the greatest athletes alive.  He is exposed at a higher level (t.v., media), but that being said he isn't any better than the Danny Mackay's, Mark Whitmore's, Terranec Mahon's, or Tim Bradley's of the world.  Grow up, Alberto.

Friday, February 14th - 4 miles easy.  Don't remember time, but nice and easy.

Saturday, February 15th - 11 miles (2 up, CHOCOLATE RACE, 2 down, 2x1 mile, 2x400, 2 down).  Cold morning to run this race (15 degrees), but Crystal and I ventured downtown to the Landing to run the inaugural Chocolate Run.  We found out the race course got cut down to 2.92 miles because of the previous night's snow, so a little bummed to hear I wouldn't have a chance to take out my 4 mile PR.  Warmed up with Crystal and O'Connor, then talked with Coach Kyle about our plans for the race.  He wanted me to hit hard tempo effort (6:15-6:25), then 2x1 mile and 4x400 at interval pace (6-6:10).  Ugh, this was going to hurt.  Course was out and back starting at the Landing, then climbing a big hill before making our way up to Broadway for a mile or so and turning back.  Coming back was deceptively tricky because it was a long, slow gradual hill plus some wind to deal with, and my legs could feel it big time.  Slowed down slightly at that point, but finished strong - legs were tired from the work.  Crystal and O'Connor joined me for the workout, as we pretty much ran up to Broadway and did the course again.  Legs felt very tired starting out, but amazing how easy it was to get back into gear - problem was coming back and I crapped out hard halfway through the repeat (the truck that almost hit us head-on gets some credit for this).  Crystal and I did 2-400 meter repeats before calling it a day, then cooled down a couple miles with O'Connor.  Very pleased with everything - some solid work done today.  6:18 average for race, 5:59, 6:17 mile splits, and quarters were 5:20-5:30 pace.

Start of race, courtesy of Channel 11 news

Winning age group (I look like a smug SOB )

Cooldown with the champs

Sunday, February 16th - 6 miles?  I seriously don't remember.  50.5 miles this week, 100.5 miles in February, 257.5 miles in 2014.

Monday, February 17th - 6 miles.  Quick run at home - trail and back plus 270 loop and some change.  50 minutes or so.  Quick follow up appointment with Dr. Clint - hoping this sets me straight for awhile.

Tuesday, February 18th - 8 miles.  A combination of easy mileage with Crystal, Jon, and Colby on the track.  Ran 4 with Crystal and solo while cheering on Jon and Colby for their track workout.  A couple cooldown miles with Jon before he took off, and I got sucked into running with Colby on some of his repeats (2:50 800, 2:00 600) before cooling down with him.  It was a little startling how bad those repeats felt, but some turnover nonetheless.

Wednesday, February 19th - 0!  Back was acting up big time, and opted for rest instead of potentially aggravating something.  Bummed to miss out on a 60 degree running day.

Thursday, February 20th - 8 miles.  Work travel in Rockford, IL.  Roads were unrunnable because of the heavy winds and rain (not to mention 6' of snow on the ground), so did some dreadmill work and 2 miles outside around the business/hotel complex area.  Attempted to start the delayed workout, but it became very evident about a mile in that I wasn't going to hit this - no air circulation, and dreadmill was just terrible.  May be delayed until the weekend.  Back was sore, but better.

Friday, February 21st - 6 miles.  Day 2 of Rockford dreadmill running.  50 minutes of dreadmill and limited outdoors running.  Icy/cold/windy, and got in the majority indoors.  Not going to miss this at all.

Saturday, February 22nd - 12 miles (1 up, 5 x 1.5 miles, 1 down).  FINALLY got in this workout, and waited till later in the day which was a mistake in hindsight.  It was pretty warm and sunny during the day, but when I got out that shifted to cold and windy - not favorable tempo conditions.  Workout was 1.5 mile repeats at long tempo pace (~6:25 min/mile) with half mile jogs in between.  Started around Village Circle, and made my way on the trail but the wind was pretty strong and ended up having to run some out and backs (instead of a direct head/tail wind (2nd and 3rd reps).  A big eff you to the rotten kid who were making fun of me during my second rep - if I wasn't so winded, I would have literally kicked him and challenged him to finish out this workout with me stride by stride.  Seriously, if you are going to make fun of someone, do it from far away instead of 2 feet away.  He's lucky his friends apologized for you, otherwise my foot would have been straight up your @ss.  Sorry for that rant - anyways, tough workout, and hopefully will help build some strength - my legs were toast after the third rep, and cheated with an extra minute of rest after the rep was done.  Splits were: 9:21 (6:14 pace), 9:43 (6:29), 9:43 (6:29), 9:31 (6:20), 9:40 (6:27).

Sunday, February 23rd - 0!  Left calf was KILLING me!  Could barely walk, and I think just slightly strained.  Feels better today, but definitely still feel some soreness.  Opted for some P90X Ab Ripper, which did so because I could barely get up this morning!  40 miles this week, 140.5 miles in February, 297.5 miles in 2014.

Monday, February 24th - ~6 miles.  Big River run with Kyle and Tim.  Did the 7 mile route but Gravois shortcut.  We also ran on a gravel path going on the other side of River Des Peres, that was much, much softer than the typical route.  May opt to do that from now on once it starts getting lighter outside.  Low 8 minute pace on a chilly night.

Big progressive tempo on Wed, then mileage the rest of this week!

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