Friday, January 27, 2012
Ohhhhh, sometimes I get a good feeling...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Houston 1/2 Marathon/Olympic Trials Recap
Wednesday, January 11th – 0! Plan was to run mile repeats early. To my defense, I was up and ready to go, but rain in the morning killed any chance of running, mainly because of the fear of slipping and wrenching my back even further. Time to take some time off to heal up. Bring on some Advil!
Thursday, January 12th – 0! Feeling about the same as yesterday.
Friday, January 13th – ~2 miles. Travel day to
Got dinner at some small bar at our hotel bartender’s recommendation, then met up with Ben and the rest of the
Saturday, January 14th - ~2 miles. Looped around downtown with the group during the afternoon. Nothing crazy to note, and felt ok but still sore as heck. Woke up bright and early to meet up with the
Walked over to the convention center, where we literally ran into Kara Goucher and Shalane Flanagan doing some dynamic stretching. Totally in heaven now! Made our way to the start, and watched the men’s start. Kind of cool where they released the men into the corral right before the start of the race, which sort of reminded me of the running of the bulls in
Coolest things I witnessed were (a) Meb passing a group of women on his way to the win – the women cheering for him as a group, then him cheering right back and pumping his fist. Gives me goosebumps just writing it. (b) towards the end, Adbi checking over his shoulder at what seemed to be every other step, looking for a charging Ritz who had closed a 30 second gap to 8 seconds. Ritz gave it everything he had, and you could totally tell given his body motion and his face, which was absolutely contorted because of the effort he was giving. (c) Watching Adam, who was a machine. We got an “Adam” chant started on his last lap, and it was great to see him run a PR and finish in the top 40. Very thrilling to watch, and an amazing accomplishment. Went to dinner at McCormick and Schmidts, and had a good meal of stuffed salmon. Watched the NFL playoffs, then turned in early.
Sunday, January 15th – 14 miles –
Contemplated dropping out, but I was so far out that I would have had to walk back anyways, so just tried to hang on for the sake of the team competition. Got passed by at least a million people, and glumly trotted forward in my low 7 minute miles. There is a hairpin turn around the 9.5 mile mark, so you got to see the leaders run by for a mile or so – saw Crystal later on (she was about a half mile ahead of me at this point), which helped perk me up. When I looped around, started looking out for Tim, Pat, and Megan which really helped me concentrate and focus on something positive. Timmy looked great, and I tried to calculate where he was at after we fistbumped, and thought he might be on pace for his goal; missed everyone else, then we took a right hand turn and run towards the city. Made it through mile 11, and was just a mess – quads were shredded, back felt like knives were stabbing me every step, and I just tried to focus on making it through these last couple miles. Calculated that I needed to run the last 2.1 in 14 minutes to break 1:29 – I tried, I really tried. Last mile, I was running to the cheers of the crowd, and did everything I possibly could. I couldn’t feel anything - it was the weirdest feeling ever and don’t know if it was just adrenaline or what. Passed a few runners going in (probably the only runners I passed all race), then finished the race.
Found Crystal, who set an amazing PR (1:23:37 – CONGRATS), and was so happy for her – she worked so hard for this, and ran extraordinarily well. We went back to the hotel to change and grab clothes for the others. Found out that everyone else PRed (CONGRATS Pat, Tim, and Megatron!), and started the celebration! Watched more of the runners finish, then headed to Lucky Strike Bowl – met up with Adam and Brian there, bowled for a while, ate dinner at
Monday, January 16th – ~3 miles. Last night’s celebration took its toll, as Tim and I were a complete mess. Got up eventually to run around town for a bit. Ran through downtown on a very warm and sunny day (70’s), and just felt like complete garbage. Flew back in the evening – sad to leave
Tuesday, January 17th – 4 miles. Uber cold outside. Ran very slow, and very bundled up. Looped 270 then tacked a little extra.
Wednesday, January 18th - ~5 miles. Ran with Tim around Francis Park after work. Freezing cold. Ran for about 41 minutes - legs were sore, but felt a little better afterwards.
Well, the race was very disappointing on many levels, and I wish I could have done better. I physically couldn’t have done much more, so that is my saving grace. I usually try to take something out of every race, but I didn’t really achieve anything so not sure what to think. I know I’m somewhat fit, and I know I can do better. My legs are still a bit of a mess, so plan on some light running for the next week or 2, then start on the speed block for AOH 5K, Shamrock, and hopefully blaze through a good PR in D.C. for Cherry Blossom. I split high 1:06’s in
I talked with
Monday, January 9, 2012
6 more days!
Saturday, January 7th - 5 miles (4 miles - 25:22). Last opportunity for a pace run before it was too late. Slept all afternoon, then got up early evening to hit this. With a little bit of yesterday's run lingering in me (and technically the 2 miles at pace on Thursday), I just wanted to hit 4 miles at pace and feel comfortable just for my own confidence. Ran a little hillier to make it more challenging. Well, mission accomplished. Had a lot more energy (more sleep and eating more iron/protein foods helps amazingly), and felt pretty good out there. Could have kept going, which is always a great sign. Perfect weather to run (40-50's and cool, barely any wind), and ran in my flats which I decided I'm going to run with in Houston. Splits were fast because my Garmin was jumping around so damn much, and it was dark outside - 6:22, 6:20, 6:21, 6:17. 10 minute jog to cool down. Wrenched my back, so was in discomfort all night.
Friday, January 6, 2012
More Trials