Tuesday, June 14 - 12 miles (10 miles, 2 mile track work). Substituted long run since I was going to be away this weekend. Legs felt pretty shredded, and it was a warm day outside so warned Mike this was going to be slow and easy. Did 5 out and back on the Home Depot loop and had problems keeping up an 8:30 pace. Last couple miles felt like the last couple miles of a marathon. Ran to the track afterwards to do Megan's workout with her. Reverse ladder which we hit very even splits. Very pleased for her on that workout. 10 miles - 1:26:51, Reverse ladder - 1600 - 8:26, 1200 - 6:15, 800 - 4:04, 400 - 1:52.
Wednesday, June 15 - 0! Legs were done, need a day off.
Thursday, June 16 - 8 miles - 2 up, 4 x mile (6:18, 6:24, 6:27, 6:08). Ebbets Field workout with Crystal - mile repeats at 6:35 pace (1 minute break in between) was the plan, but I knew it would be faster. Jogged 2 up, legs just didn't feel good at all. Definitely a bit warm and humid, but it's only a mile at a time, right? Did mile repeats which felt just awful the first couple. Went out too hard the first one, and really slowed it down to try to keep it closer to pace but still shot the moon. 2nd and 3rd rep just felt progressively worse and my breathing was a mess. Had to sit out a rep sadly because I was literally done at that point. Small jog to get my breathing back, then jumped in with Crystal on the last rep. Felt a ton better and definitely kept it in control. Pushed a little to hit the last split, cooldown felt fantastic. Not sure why the Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde thing happened, but I'll take it.
Friday, June 17 - 0! Scheduled day off, travel day to Peoria for Father's Day weekend and racing Steamboat the next morning, Legs felt about the same - really worn out.
Saturday, June 18 - 7 miles, STEAMBOAT CLASSIC 4 MILER - 26:02, 133/3358, 3rd Clydesdale Class. Woke up bright and early and drove down to the race which was in Downtown Peoria. Met up with Candace who was in town running, and did a quick warmup. Steamboat is a pretty awesome race - almost like a big time marathon feel, and a cool scenic finish. One big hill right at the beginning, then it flattens out and you do a loop around town, then basically come back and finish on a huge downhill (same hill as beginning, just opposite). Very flat and fast, and attracts some big names because of the great hospitality and prize money. Weather was very humid, but overcast and roughly 75 degrees so not awful. Lined up at the start with 5000+ other runners (there is also a 15k race). Felt ok on the first mile, but my legs were getting really tired really fast, so slowed it down about 10 seconds and tried to run it in consistently. Pretty much accomplished that going in, and mistimed my kick and missed breaking 26 minutes. Not the best race, but a good workout and a really fun time. Candace killed it - 24:27, 8th overall women and 1st in her age group - congrats to her! 2 mile cooldown with her, stayed for the awards ceremony and had a nice time at home with the family. Total mileage - 7 miles. Race splits were: 6:15, 6:38, 6:37, 6:30.
Sunday, June 19 - 3 miles. 18 holes of golf in the morning (so some walking), church, watched the U.S. Open all day and got home at 9 p.m. to a ridiculously humid STL. Got out for a late 3 miler, humid every step of the way and was just awful. Cut it short because I was soaked from head to toe. No idea of time, didn't push it. 36 miles this week, eh.
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