Kara, the NCAA Championship recap, Emma Coburn up and coming star, Lolo looking for love, and Lukas Verzbivas breaks 4 minutes in the mile in his final race!
Saturday, June 11 - ROUTE 66 10K - 8 miles, 10K time - 43:05, 28th overall, 2nd 30-34 male. Woke up to some crazy rain, and was happy thinking it would be an awesome day to run. Drove over to the race, and got in a 1 mile warmup while the sun started to peek out and make it a bit hotter. Was sweating bullets, so knew this would be sticky. Went out pretty fast and tried to slow it down on the 2nd mile and hold 6:30's, but dropped off a lot more than I wanted and made a decision on the spot that this wasn't going to be the day to suffer for what was going to be a mediocre time at best. Dropped to marathon pace as soon as we hit the trail (first couple miles weaved through the city (hilly), but ended up on the trail) and enjoyed the ride in. Last mile, picked it up a little for fun and picked off about 6-7 runners on the last half or so. Started to rain which felt awesome - seriously, where was this earlier??? Good workout all in all, the Metro Milers put on a good show with lots of spectators, cheerleaders, and kids all around on a pretty fun race. Found out later that I placed in my age group, which was a welcome surprise. Mile splits were: 6:13, 6:40, 7:11, 7:15, 7:09, 6:43.
Sunday, June 12 - 10 miles (1:19:32). Old Faithful out and back early in the morning. Stomach issues in the morning, eek. Milestone run for Crystal today as she was sitting on 999 miles for 2011, so we celebrated her 1000th mile immediately into the run! On the way back, got overcast and cool - perfect running conditions. Saw Pat with 2.5 miles to go, and made a move to catch him - we had scheduled last 2 at marathon pace, so worked out as we naturally sped up. Unfortunately, we kept going much faster than scheduled, so needless to say my legs were fried at the end. Last 2 miles were 6:55, 6:20-6:29 (not sure). 44 miles this week - I'll take it!
Monday, June 13 - 6 miles (50:06) + drills. Another cool day (loving it!), and had our friend Devin join us. Pretty standard workout, legs felt pretty rubbery starting out and the drills didn't help. Crystal dropped us pretty fast going back, and it didn't feel too great.
Legs feel like complete garbage tonight. Scheduled track work, but probably not going to happen and probably going to replace with easy long run.
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