Tuesday, April 15, 2014

One year ago...

Thank you, Boston.  Very powerful.  Reflection from last year - another powerful article.

RT: This weekend you're pacing the London Marathon. What time are you planning to go through halfway?
HG: It depends on what the athletes need. They don't want to go a crazy pace, because here in London they want to win. Winning is the most important part.
Right Haile.  Then don't lead the group out in a 14:21 opening 5K (2:01:48 overall pace), then drop to 14:50's the next couple 5K's (2:05-2:06 pace), then drop out of the race well after the damage had been done.  For someone who used pace makers your entire career, you did a not-so-great job with these athletes.  More props to Kipsang for being able to adjust and drop the hammer at the end to hit the course record.  He is, as of today, the best marathoner in the world.

Thursday, April 3rd - 0!  Needed a day off with tired legs, and took one.  

Friday, April 4th - 4 miles.  Nice and easy before race day!

Saturday, April 5th - ~15 miles.  Traveled up to Springfield with Crystal, Colby, and Kyle to participate in the 50th Lincoln Presidential 1/2 Marathon!  Flat, fast course, and was pretty accurately advertised outside of a few nasty hills on the second half.  Woke up pretty groggy and a sore throat, but ready to rumble on a nice, sunny, cool day.  Goal was to go out in low 7's, then hammer the 5K.  Well, I came blazing out of the box and literally had to put the brakes on to hit 6:30 for the first mile.  Maintained high 6's for a few miles before my legs started to get pretty tired, and locked in around 7:15's.  Unfortunately, that's about all I had as I couldn't really get going faster than that, and the hills on the back half killed me.  Kicked the last half mile to finish strong, and cooled down to wrap up a fun morning.  1:33:21 was my time - at the very least, got in a nice long run at decent effort.  Crystal finished 2nd in the female, despite running a workout in the middle of the race with warmup/cooldown, and Colby finished his last 10 miles at tempo effort (right at 6 minute pace), and looking ready to rock Boston in a couple weeks.  Kyle survived and made it through at 1:32, and felt pretty good in the process in his comeback attempt.  Success, all around!


Down the stretch I come!
Post race

Crystal with Abe and Mary Todd

Cruise control
Sunday, April 6th - 0!  Slept forever.  Played golf later that day with Kyle and Pat on a cold day, which was probably not the best idea because I wasn't feeling too well.  37 miles this week, 29 miles in April, 574 miles in 2014.

Monday, April 7th - 0!  Officially sick and stayed home from work.  Not sure what nasty disease I have, but guessing a cold which was most likely exacerbated by the Springfield 1/2.

Tuesday, April 8th - 0!  Sleep

Wednesday, April 9th - 6 miles.  Ran with Craig and Kyle, and met at the SLU track with intentions of running some easy mileage.  Well, the entire track was clogged up with SLU athletes and people, so we headed out towards Tower Grove and ended up at the Reservoir off Grand (not far from I-44), which sits on a hill and is supposedly the highest point of elevation in STL (from the ground), and home of many Ben Rosario workouts.  The loop on top of the hill is basically on grass, and a huge rectangle which is roughly half a mile in perimeter.  Very flat and we had some breeze being higher up, plus some shade which helped on a warm day.  Craig had 2x2 mile workout, so we jumped in and helped pace him through.  We hit 7:26/7:24 for the first rep, then I got him through the first mile of the second rep and 7:30 before Kyle finished up with him at pace (stomach issues for me).  Slow jog back to the track to finish out.  Definitely not feeling too hot, but made it through ok.

Thursday, April 10th - 0!  Officially a down week for me per Coach Kyle because of sickness.  Feeling better but still not right.  New goal is to run a 5K later this weekend for some work and rest up and get better.

Friday, April 11th - 4 miles.  Ran 2 solo, then cooled down around the SLU area with Crystal after her track race.  Nice evening to run outside, as the wind was breezy but the temps were comfortable - maybe a little warm for running standards, but no sun to work with.  Crystal's main goal was to run a solid race sub 18 minutes, as her first couple track races had gone not to plan.  So we set a goal lap split time of 86 seconds per lap, and I called them out as she passed.  Perfect execution, as she got locked in right at 85's, and closed to hit a solid time of 17:40, second in her heat!

Saturday, April 12th - 7 miles (2 up, MODOT 5K - 19:23 (5th overall), 2 down).  Bright, sunny, and warm day over in Chesterfield, MO where I ran the inaugural MODOT Awareness for Workers 5K.  My friend from school asked me to run, and it worked out well to do my workout for this race.  Course was pretty tricky, as it was on the outer roads off Highway 40 which is nothing but rolling hills.  The start involved coming out of the MODOT office into rolling hills, crossing an overpass, then down an exit ramp and onto a frontage road to the next exit, where you basically crossed back over an overpass and came back in the other frontage road.  Once we got off the other exit, we looped around the business park district which was pretty much rolling hills and turns.  The plan was to go out conservative, but the downhill was ridiculous coming off the first exit and I hit 5:48 by accident.  Looped around and came back the other way, but the hill on the outer road was absolutely brutal and took the wind out of my sails.  Was still on very good pace overall at the second mile split, but the last mile and the nonstop rolling hills finished me off for good, and absolutely died out there.  Sat on a younger kid for awhile and let him go at the finish.  19:23 total, not really what I wanted, but making some progress I suppose.  Cooled down and caught up with my friend and adorable daughter, then took off for home and chilled the rest of the day.
Schlafly Repeal Prohibition Festival

Rachelle, Grace, and I
Sunday, April 13th - 0!  London Marathon viewing party late/early, which absolutely destroyed my day.  Met up in Crystal's basement, and watched a pretty fun race and Mo Farah's marathon debut.  Ended up staying up till about 9 a.m., sleeping, then watching the Masters while a nasty thunderstorm hit our area all night long.  Oh well, this was decreed a down week, and need to get my rest for the heavy week coming up.  17 miles this week, 46 miles in April, 591 miles in 2014.  Ugh

Monday, April 14st - 7 miles.  Ran with Silker, CJ, Timmy, and Kyle, and did an improvised run around the city.  We took the new River Des Peres route (newly paved, and looks awesome!), and cut back on Gravois towards the park, before running halfway around and heading back to the store.  So much for our summer like weather, as it was spitting rain and SNOWING!  Crazy!  Legs felt ok, and wasn't too pleased to run into the nasty wind, but made it through ok.  

Back to the grind!  Easy mileage with group tonight, then mile repeats tomorrow!

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