Janji article by Ben Rosario (turn to page 13-14), grandma collegiate athlete, Sammy Wanjiru, more Wanjiru, Geoffrey Mutai let down by Olympic selection team, and Shalane.
Friday, May 11th - 4 miles. I vaguely remember this, but I know it was easy.
Saturday, May 12th - 7 miles (2 up, TOUR DE GROVE 5K 19:47*** (14 overall/~200, 4th age group), 2 down). Drove down to the Grove, which is an area not too far from the city, for the Tour de Grove 5K. I signed up impromptu - mainly for the speedwork since I missed this week, and I was already going to be down there spectating Crystal (she was shooting for a PR (sub 18)). 2 loop course around a pretty flat course with a few turns, and a somewhat decent temperature day (60's but pretty sunny). No mile markers which was strange, but tried to make a few mental notes. Warmed up with Crystal, Brian and Margaret, and Matt before doing some dynamic stretching and strides before we got started. A pretty good showing by some good local runners (as well as a couple Kenyans), since the prize money was good. The lead pack went out pretty blazing, and I went out pretty hard myself before settling down. Was working with one guy and a Mich Ultra team girl, and went through the first mile at 5:47. Crystal and the pack of girls she was running with were so far in front (they had to go through the first mile in the 5:20's), so was worried she went out too hard. Anyways, got settled in, hit the first loop feeling good and moving. Worked with the same guy for awhile (dropped the Mich Ultra girl) and we caught a few more people coming in before I dropped back a little bit. Hit the third mile split according to Garmin in 17:59, but realized I was nowhere near the finish which meant the course was off. Was stuck in between a couple guys, so ran it in easy and was pretty frustrated when I confirmed with a couple others that we were all almost a quarter mile long. Later on, we found out that we weren't started at the correct spot, which lead to even more frustration since our times were all wrong, not to mention a perfectly good race day and some potentially awesome times were all erased. Estimating I would have been right around 18:30, on a correctly marked course.
Crystal finished 3rd in a great PR of 18:01, and battled for the win - see pic below, all 3 girls were within a second of each other! Guessing she was, at worst, low 17's and quite possibly below. Disappointed for her that she was robbed of a career day, but a hell of a PR nonetheless and proof that sub 18 is a moot point now and it's just a matter of how low she dips below the mark.
Sunday, May 13th - 9 miles. Ran with Pat, Crystal, and Kyle. Legs were pretty shredded, and was pretty beat from a long night with some friends. Beautiful day outside, but the sun was pretty intense. Did out and back on Old Faithful, hit 1:15:32 total, I believe. 35 miles this week, 73 miles for May, 775.5 miles for 2012.
Monday, May 14th - 7 miles. Ran group run, and Justin talked me into doing the 7 mile loop with him. Nice day to be outside, but pretty warm. Legs were pretty dead, but made it through the loop ok. 55:30 total.
Tuesday, May 15th - 6 miles (1 up, 2x1000 tempo, 1x1200 5K pace, 4x200 mile pace, 1 down). Track work with Megan, Pat, and Crystal at middle school track. Coach Crystal got this fun track workout from Coach Tim, so through it in there since I was racing again this weekend. Warmed up, then hit the first rep before having to make a pit stop for some major stomach issues. Finished the workout without much problems, and really liked it. Had to work, but not too hard, and got some good turnover work as well. Cooled down with Megan afterwards - splits were: 2x1000 - 3:48, 3:44; 1x1200 - 4:15; 4x200 - 36, 36, 35, 35.
Tonight, running the Ferguson 5K course for a preview. Easy running the rest of the week, then racing over the weekend!
Chilling with Crystal prerace |
Lining up at the start |
Going through the first loop |
Dramatic female finish |
Podium - congrats Crystal!!! |
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