Evolution of a fast marathon, how did the celebrities fare in NYC?, Marathon Majors winners, Mutai the best?, Patrick Makau, Lauren Fleshman, and the lovely Miss Kara Goucher and her marathon tips.
Monday, November 7th - 6 miles. Francis Park loop with Timmy. Started from his house, and ran to the park and did loops. Tim was having some stomach issues, so dropped out a couple miles into it so I finished solo. Ran with a group of people for a little bit, but took off and kept a decent pace. Felt pretty tired, but more from a hard weekend of running. Ran for 50 minutes.
Tuesday, November 8th - 6 miles. Forest Park loop with Cristina. With the time change, not as many runners out there anymore. Ran pretty conservative, and reversed the usual route which seemed to make it go by faster. Felt ok, long stretching afterwards to loosen up. Abs are still screaming with soreness from Sunday's workout, so deferring corework to Wednesday night. 57:51 total.
Tonight, going to do FP with Crystal. Enjoying the fall running, as the weather is absolutely perfect outside :)
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