Saturday morning, woke up bright and early to do long run with Crystal. Was pretty exhausted from the lack of sleep all week/Friday night, and dragged myself to the trail. We delayed the run for 15 minutes to wait for it to get a little lighter outside, because it was so overcast/dark. Started out on the trail, and felt pretty decent. Weather was very overcast and damp from the previous night's rainfall. Usually, I am dying early then get my second wind, but felt good going out. Made our way out to Meridian, and still felt ok. Coming back, had to keep ourselves in check and not get too carried away. Last 2 miles were scheduled at race pace, so tried to ease into it by gradually speeding up with about 3.5 miles to go. Started getting pretty tired with 2 miles left, and kind of had to pull it together. Could tell Crystal wanted to take off the last mile, so kept her reigned in as long as I could. Took off the last half mile or so, was pretty tired when we were done. Total mileage: 14 miles - don't have splits on hand, but averaged 8:14 overall. Started at 9:14, then basically negative split going in. Last 3 were 7:33, 7:14, 6:57.
Went to the new Big River Store in O'Fallon, MO to do the Mizuno foot analysis. The new store is pretty awesome, and a must-see for any O'Fallon/St. Charles runner. We did this last year, and not much had changed from my analysis. Got to try on some shoes, and really liked a few different pairs but sizing is always an issue because of my wide feet. Did a treadmill running analysis at the store - they hook up a slow motion camera to your feet, and you can analyze your stride. Mine is basically all jacked up - I pronate inwards, run with my feet pointed outwards, but at the point of foot strike manage to rotate slightly outwart, thus correcting the motion. Well, no major injuries thus far (knock on wood), but will make some effort to work on pointing my toes more inward to promote a more efficient running stride.
Sunday morning, got out on the trail with Mike and Crystal. We started a little later, and went a different direction on the trail. Mike was sporting his new Mizuno Wave Elixir performance racing shoes, so was eager to get out there. Weather was sunny and warm. Did an out and back, and kept it pretty conservative. Coming back with about 2.5 miles to go, saw a runner dart in front of us. Well, Crystal and I are pretty territorial about having people pass us, so we quickly strategized to catch him. The guy was about 30 seconds ahead of us, so we started an indian run impromptu (indian run is where one runner will lead the pack for 1 minute, then the person in the back catches up and takes the lead for a minute, etc.). Eased into it, but before we knew it were hitting 6:40's pace. Started to make a little ground, and the guy saw us and we could see him straining to pick up the pace. Realized after a mile or so it wasn't going to happen - he was motoring along pretty quickly. And it looked like he did at least 5 miles at this pace, so he earned it. Slowed down, cooled down the last mile and cruised in. Total mileage: 8 miles - no idea the splits, but was somewhere in the 8-8:20 range overall.
So a solid running week (36 miles I think?). Lost 5-10 miles here and there, but got in all my major work which I am pleased about. Heat advisory the first part of this week, so will be hydrating like mad for a while. Easy run tonight, then track work tomorrow!
On a side note, picked up my new kitten (named "Franklin" by the kids, because they found him on "Franklin Street) yesterday, and got to introduce him to his new home. He was pretty scared at first, but eventually relaxed a bit and did quite a bit of exploring. Very cute, and I think he is enjoying his time so far :)

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