Friday, I ran somewhere between 4-6 on the treadmill? Would have been 7:30-8 minute pace - can't remember the life of me! Picked up Marc from the airport, who was in town, and had dinner with Barrel and Trisha who had also came in for the weekend. Saturday morning, dragged our sorry butts out of bed early and did a group run with Pat and Crystal. Due to good old fashioned procrastination and the Argentina/Germany World Cup semifinal match, we had to cut the run short. Did ~3.5 miles, and it was hot outside. Ran for 30 minutes or so. Sunday, ran 0!!!! Early Cardinals game, travel around, BBQs at night made it impossible to get anything. Missed the Macklind Mile and Crystal's great performance in the race in which she won her age group while running a very fast 5:40. Congrats Crystal!
Monday, after dropping Marc and Trish off at the airport, went home and got in a late 3 mile jog. Don't know how long it took, but it was pretty slow. Tuesday night, ran after work pretty late. Was nasty and humid, and felt like I was going sooooooooo slow. Ran 4 miles easy, no idea the time it took but I sweated out about 50 lbs. easily.
Wednesday, decided at the last second to run the Dusk to Dash Race which was run by a local running group in Edwardsville. The race was at the Edwardsville High School track, and was a mile. Since it was local, and wanted to get in some speedwork and was a little bummed at missing the Macklind Mile, decided what the heck and signed up. No expectations for me, as I haven't really done any mile related workouts, or barely any speedwork for that matter, but the last few weeks with Crystal have definitely helped a lot. Also, I haven't run a timed mile since high school, so really had no clue what I was going to run. Race was in the evening, and was a relatively humid but nice evening to run. They went through a ton of the kids races, then got to the mile. There were about 15 people or so entered, so they did an alley start and lined me up with a couple of runners I knew. Started to get some butterflies, which was nice because I haven't really had that in a while. Gun went off, and away we went!
First lap, immediately established the lead, and was blazing through using my trusty friend, adrenaline. Hit the 200 mark at 33, which is what I hit my 200 repeats in, so tried to slow it down. Saw the LED Clock approaching the 400 mark, and I was not pleased to see that I hadn't slowed down much. Completely slammed on the brakes and hit 1:10 for the first quarter. Started to feel a little burn around the 2nd turnaround, and could hear the breathing of someone sitting on me. Was maintaining a good speed, and hit the half at 2:30. Third lap, stomach started to feel weird, and was starting to get tired. The guy tailing me caught me and passed me about 300 meters into the lap, and I tried to cover his move but couldn't. Starting to feel the burn now, and was at 3:53 with a lap to go. Last lap, was moving ok but couldn't get a kick going. Was starting to feel nauseous and mentally shot. [Mile Time - 5:17 PR]
Peter Kim M30
Time: 5:17
Overall Place - 2/15
Age Group Place - 1/5
Crossed the line in second place, time at 5:17, so was somewhat happy I broke 5:20, but just ran the race stupid as usual. Splits were 1:10, 1:20, 1:23, 1:24, so progressively got slower. But considering my lack of training, I guess I'll take it and the P.R.! Oh, and a good tip to all runners - don't eat a roast beef sandwich that close before a race. Miscalculated the amount of time I had before the race (when I got home after work) and since I was at home, ate a quick sandwich. Was starting to digest about half a mile into the race, which explained the worst stomach cramps known to mankind!
Today, opted out of a morning run with Crystal due to some terrible pain in my arch that was spasming all night, and have been keeping it elevated and stretching it. Decided to try for an easy treadmill run, and painfully got through it - 4 miles at 7:30 pace. Went faster to get it over with, which was in hindsight a poor decision. Rest tonight, and will evaluate if I decide to get in some mileage tomorrow.

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