Ryan Hall won the Bix 7! Really wished I could have been there to watch, but maybe next time. Rainy day, would have been perfect to get out. Thought it was interesting that he employed his Boston strategy (run your own race) instead of a more tactical race, but who am I to second-guess one of the top runners in the world, let alone the winner of a prestigious race??
Thursday night, did our long run with Mike. Was hot/humid (what's new??), and really questioned if this was a smart decision. Did out and back on the trail towards SIUE, which is pretty shaded. Air was super thick, and we made it a point to go slower than normal. Passed the high school XC team which was FLYING in the nasty conditions, and just kept motoring ahead. Decided to turn around 5 miles out (original plan was 10-12, we would see how things were when we got back), but pretty much knew we weren't running more than 10 since it was super nasty outside (100+ degree heat index). Was definitely laboring a bit, and the high 8's we were hitting felt like mid to high 7 minute pace. Picked it up slightly on the last mile, more to get out of the nasty outside. Pretty dead tired afterwards, couldn't drink enough Gatorade and water. Total mileage: 10 miles - average mile split was 8:44.
Friday, off day! Spent the majority of the day stretching out my weary legs and resting as much as I could. IT Band on my right knee was flaring, so concentrated on that area. Got in pretty early that night and tried to rest up. Saturday, woke up bright and early for the race! Did a quick jog outside to loosen up, and headed to the course. Was mid 80's and humid, and knew this was going to be a tough day to run. Warmed up with Mike and was automatically drenched in sweat. Found Candace, discussed our race strategy, then lined up with her. Gun went off, and off we went!
Well, sadly this was not my day, and I'll give you the Cliff Notes version to spare myself the humiliation for basically another "give up" race. Went through the first mile in 6:15 (as strategized), but legs were pretty tired already and was laboring a lot more than I should have been a mile into a 5K. Lots of people were passing by me at this point, and really lost the will to forge forward. Candace and I got separated by a lot of the high schoolers, and I saw I was about 5 seconds behind her but just pretty much gave into that little voice in my head ("it's too hot, i'm too tired", etc.) and dropped pace big time and basically jogged in. Mike passed me, sort of got a jolt to go catch him but he passed by my so fast that I didn't have time to react. More humiliation set in when I had to walk up one of the bigger hills on the second mile - I don't remember the last time I walked in a 5K. Kind of sped up the last mile, but had no sense of urgency which was really alarming. Picked off a few people which was nice, but was more happy to be done than anything. Final Time was 22:08 I think, good for 102/600+, 6th in my age group. Yes, I suck.
Candace won the overall female in 19:50 - hit her goal, so was super happy for her, even though I got my @ss thoroughly handed to me by her. Mike won 3rd in our age group, and was stoked for him. Pictures to come soon. We did about a 2 mile cooldown afterwards, my legs were just tired and tore up, and I was really, really happy to be done with it all. Let's see what excuse can I use this time - was too hot, too humid, too tired, legs were shot from a hard running week. Yes I could pick all of them, but the bottom line is I pretty much gave up instead of just grinding it out like I used to. I don't understand myself these days, and I'm really disappointed in me. Really aggravated with my lack of motivation/competition, but Candace gave me a pretty good kick in the butt when she wanted to pose for a picture with her "Champion" shirt she won - ohhh man, that didn't sit too well with me! Time to get back to some good old fashioned speedwork and be more prepared next time...
Sunday, got out mid afternoon for a quick run - wanted to do 2 out and back. Weather was hot but not as humid, and made a decision about 3/4 of a mile into my run to try to squeeze in another mile so picked it up. Legs were still tired but got into a better groove. Last mile, thought I was hitting a decent pace, but was pleasantly surprised to see an awesome split, all factors considering. Total mileage: 3 miles - splits were: 7:23, 6:49, 6:19. Very sad that I put about 75% effort into this on tired legs, and still destroyed my Mud Mountain time.
Finished my workout shortly afterwards at the gym - climbed onto a treadmill, blasted through 5 miles. Kind of struggled at first, but felt better towards the end. Tried to cool down the last couple miles, but got bored and just jacked it back up to pace. Heavy stretching afterwards. Total mileage: 5 miles - splits were: 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:52, 7:40.
So ok mileage week (36 I think?), and getting ready to hit it hard this week. No races on the horizon, and going to wait for it to cool down before I jump back on the roads. Big River Group Run tonight, then track work tomorrow!