Wednesday, crapped out on a perfect day to run, really no excuses other than I got home late and didn't get in what I wanted to. No worries, switched my off day to make up for it. Yesterday, did 4 easy at lunch around work in Maryland Heights. H-I-L-L-Y, and worked on slight surges on the hills. Didn't break too much of a sweat though, gorgeous day to get outside. After work, drove downtown and jogged the St. Pat's course. They changed the course this year now we start by Busch Stadium on Broadway instead of by Union Station on Market. You weave back downtown back onto Market, and basically get in a mile before hitting the old course. 2nd Mile, you climb up a pretty big hill, loop around back to Olive on the way back downtown. Overall downhill grade, but rolling hills and there are couple that are challenging. Last mile is definitely flatter than in years past (supposedly downhill), and you finish on Broadway headed south towards the Stadium.
So felt ok running the course, have run the last few years so was relatively familiar. Legs were pretty tired, so the big hill on Mile 2 was a little challenging. I always forget when you turn onto Olive heading back that there is one more hill before you slingshot downhill towards downtown. The last couple miles, ran around pace, and was getting pretty tired despite the downhill. Could have been from my earlier workout too (hopefully that is the case). I haven't done enough hill work, so I need to be a little more conservative going out as opposed to the kamikaze mission I usually am on when running this course. Ran a little over 5 in roughly 42 minutes or so, not bad considering stop lights. Excited to run with Crystal and Shane - first race since Chi 09 :) Crystal finished 2nd in her age group last year, so hoping she can equal or do better this time! Looking forward to seeing and running with the Big River team, and best of luck to both the Blue team to bring home the gold! Ben is the defending champion and looks like he is in amazing shape, so hoping he kills it again!
After work tonight, Shane (who is in town) and I are doing an easy few miles just to loosen up, then lay low. Saturday, get downtown bright and early to get set up, then warm up with the team. Wish us luck!!!
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