Congrats to Bernard Legat for winning his unprecedented 8th Wanamaker Mile at the Millrose Games - Legat ran 3:56:34 in the mile and is showing no signs of slowing down! Sara Hall finished runner up in the mile by 0.02 seconds, just missing on her final kick!
Had a pretty decent weekend of running. Saturday, dragged our sorry butts to the trail for a long run. Was freezing cold outside - low 20's and windy! Felt tired starting out, but sort of got into a rhythm as the run progressed. Hit the long Meridian Hill, and at that point decided to loop all the way around instead of coming back, since we were trying to hit at pace the last few miles. There was some ice on the trail, so didn't want to mess with that not to mention running back into the wind and uphill. The uphill didn't really seem to end, but finally made it to the top and started picking it up slightly in anticipation for the marathon pace portion of the run. The last few miles were nice, because it was pretty much downwind and we had rolling hills to work with instead of just continuous uphill. Crystal and I both hit hills pretty aggressively, which made our splits faster. Kind of got carried away on the last mile, was pretty tired at the end but nailed the workout. Total mileage: 11 miles - splits were (don't remember exactly but guessing): 8:13, 8:16, 8:14, 8:23, 8:24, 8:27, 8:27, 8:08, 7:22, 7:07, 6:49, 8:23 (cooldown).
Made the mistake of not stretching too well afterwards, IT bands in both knees flared up at night and had to do some massive stretching at 3 a.m. to minimize the damage. Didn't sleep much that night, mostly from staying up to watch the Australian Open men's final (Go Roger!), so was sleepwalking most of Sunday. Did our pace run in the early afternoon, weather was warmer (30's) and sunny. Wasn't feeling too hot, so was hoping this would go ok. Did out and back on the trails, nothing crazy to report other than I was getting really tired towards the end. Swirling winds didn't really help much either, but was definitely glad to get that run over with. Total mileage: 6 miles - splits were: 7:13, 6:54, 7:08, 7:15, 7:15, 7:16.
So Week 1 of Boston Training is over - 39+ miles, hit all my workouts as scheduled. I feel pretty beat up, which isn't the best thing so will be careful this week on the hard workouts. Everything feels hard now, but body is still adjusting back to getting back on track. Easy run tonight, mile repeats tomorrow!
Got some more pics from the Fast and Flurryous race from 2 weekends ago - awesome stuff!
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