Here is a nice interview from the lovely Kara Goucher (we miss you!!!!). The running world is less without her presence, so nice to find this! And an interesting interview by the Boston Athletic Association executive director Guy Morse talking about Boston closing for the earliest time ever! They have considered two options moving forward, neither of which I particularly agree with. Adding more runners to the mix, and lowering the qualifying time. I think by limiting the field to a smaller number, it gives the race a more elite feel and just the struggle of getting in and competing with the world's best runners is something that one can't do everyday. Boston is bragging rights, and not primarily a running spectacle like New York or Chicago. Of course by saying this, I would be absolutely livid if Chi filled up, and I couldn't compete in 2010 so I may be slightly biased. As for the qualifying time, I have mixed feelings too. The qualifying time for men is difficult, but doable, and amazingly sweet when you hit the number. It's the hard work you put in when you look back at after hitting a great time that makes it all worth it in the end, especially trying to hit a BQ which is the top of the mountain. If they were to soften the standards, they couldn't do it more than 5 minutes, but I think it's fine the way it is.
Last night, got in my scheduled tempo run. It FINALLY stopped raining, but was a bit chilly (40's). Bundled up, strapped on my Ipod, light jog to start out, and away I went! Did a loop around my neighborhood (hilly), then wanted to settle in on flat roads to get into a good rhythm. Went through the first couple miles somewhat comfortably but slightly slower than I usually go on tempo runs, wanting to save energy for the later miles. Had to stop at a stop light, which sort of killed momentum but conversely allowed me to catch my breath for a second. Took off down Glen Carbon Road, saw my 3rd mile split was 10 seconds slower despite harder effort. For some reason, that mentally killed me and just let my mind win over my body from that point. Tried to pick it up on the 4th mile, but was getting really tired and started to feel like garbage. Hit a decent split, but was done. Walked/jogged a mile, was sort of in the dumps and questioning myself why was I doing this? Reamed into myself for a few minutes, picked up the pace, then decided to hit the last mile hard. Ran a controlled effort but hard, and wanted to hit my fastest mile here - of course, it ended up being my 2nd slowest, and was royally pissed off because of it. Stretched, had a few beers afterwards in complete frustration. Total mileage: 6 miles - splits were: 6:37, 6:38, 6:48, 6:34, something slow, 6:42.
Not at all pleased with the workout, but later realized that bad days do happen. I think I was more mad at myself for letting me quit during the actual workout, which I don't want to happen again. Hit my 5 mile tempo last week a minute faster than my timed 5 miles this week, so I know I'm capable of more - just need to stick with it and work hard. Last week, I said I thought that a hard tempo run (when feeling good) might be my favorite workout - well, after last night's debacle, might now be the workout I least look forward to!
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