A couple articles I ran across yesterday when reading - first one deals with how the unemployed deal with running - they are embracing the time off and taking the ball and literally running with it!!! Couldn't imagine how great of a runner I could become if I had literally the entire day to dedicate to this wonderful sport :) Awesome to see marathon participation and times get better, albeit at the cost of people's jobs, but still more proof that running is recession proof.
Next article deals with the next great womens U.S. runner., Jordan Hasay, who pretty much dominated high school prep running. She is committed to run for the University of Oregon next year, and is inevitably a force to come. She was given the distinct title of SI's Girl Athlete of the Year. Congrats Jordan!!!
Last night, went for an easy run on the trails. Did out and back on the flat portion of the trail - weather was warm and STEAMY. Felt good throughout the run, slowly increased pace throughout the run and felt easy. Totally hit good stride down the last half mile, peaked out at 5:45 pace and felt great. Stretching afterwards. Total mileage: 5 miles - splits were: 8:22, 8:16, 8:15, 7:48, 7:17.
Missed my planned run this morning, and won't get in a run today due to travel but not too mad at myself because I will make up for it on tomorrow's day off by running a tempo on my home away from home, the Lakeshore Drive bike trail!!! Headed to Chi after work to see my beloved Cubbies on Friday and Saturday - should be a great weekend with Pat and Crystal there as well as my friend Dave (whose birthday is tomorrow!) and possibly Barrel who is still considering her options for the weekend. Also looking forward to a long run with either Ken or the New Balance group on Saturday morning - fun, fun, fun!
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