Awoken. I re-start my blogging here, because this is a very tangible, vivid moment for me, where I realized enough was enough (
Monday, June 18th). I'm on a group text with some amazing runners, all of whom are running at a very high level, and there are incessant updates (daily) about running performances. Meanwhile, since London (
April 2016), I'm plodding along with a very inconsistent 15-20 miles/week (whatever I feel, when I'm not particularly lazy), and virtually nothing to talk about. All my fitness from the Berlin block (
2014/15) has been stripped away, and I am eating terribly and drinking too much beer. Tokyo 2019 might actually be happening, and I'm less than 9 months out, possibly in the worst shape (and highest weight) that I have been since 2005.
At some point a couple of weeks ago, I internally snapped, and am sick of hearing about my friends crushing workout after workout, with upcoming races to train for, and just the fun that comes with being fit and seeing results. I used to be that guy - what happened to me?? I'm going to try to re-boot my running life, trying to be mindful of running safely and slowly working my way back, knowing there are some physical limitations.
So where do we begin? Let's try for a few consecutive days of running (
slow), and see how my body works out. Those few days turn into a 40 mile week, followed by a 46 mile week, and a much better mind set for myself. This week is not going to be a 40 mile week, as my body is feeling the grind already, but on a good path again and developing good habits again.
The plan is simple - get through a month of basic mileage build up (who cares about pace?) and sweat off some unnecessary lbs. and start grinding. Incorporate some workouts along the way, and get through the summer. I signed up for the St. Jude Half Marathon in December (bucket list race) with Jonny, so I want to run that race at or below marathon pace. Then really get into my possible marathon block for 3/3/19 and hope I've developed enough fitness to properly train, the way I want to.
Then this happened, yesterday:
I'm officially in! I've run through quite a bit of emotions, as this news has settled in, but a few points really stick out to me:
- Crap, I am running another marathon!
- This is the last of the World Marathon Majors for me, and almost the end of a long journey/pipe dream that began in 2005
- My last marathon (2017 London) was more or less a bust, but a painful reminder of what happens when you don't train properly
- I am starting from almost ground 0
- This is the first marathon that Isaac will get to "experience" his dad training for - I need to set a good example for my son, my wife, my family, and everyone who knows me
Let's get to work...
Monday, 6/18 - 4 miles (35:47). Out and back on the trail towards Troy with Mike. Truly disgusting conditions, and we did a fat positive split on almost every mile.
Tuesday, 6/19 - 7 miles (57:10). Solo loop around town, late at night. I wanted to get in 5-6, but felt pretty good and just kept going, and got lost on my sports podcast. Hills on 159 slowed me down (last 2 miles), and ended up more or less jogging it in so I didn't suffer too much. Overall pace wasn't bad, but need to start honing in on some strength and hill training sometime soon.
Wednesday, 6/20 - 4.5 miles (38:14). Dreadmill, ugh
Thursday, 6/21 - 6.5 miles (54:00). Dreadmill. Ugh
Friday, 6/22 - 5 miles (40:16). Out and back, on the trails, to Drost Park. A little rain and cooler weather always helps pace, and felt pretty decent, all in all. Splits were: 8:13, 8:17, 8:19, 7:59, 7:25.
Saturday, 6/23 - 8 miles (1:05). Dreadmill run, nice and early. World Cup time, and my buddy Ryan came down for an impromptu visit! He got in late Friday night, so stayed up late catching up, but was able to pop onto the dread mill for some easy miles before the games started. Late morning, we headed over to Amsterdam Tavern in St. Louis to meet up with my old running buddy (and Mexican) Gabe, to watch the Korea/Mexico World Cup game, and the Germany Sweden game afterwards. A sad ending for the Koreans, but we walked out of Amsterdam feeling happy for Ryan's late game Germany heroics, and celebrated the night away!

Sunday, 6/24 - 5 miles (44:36). Stroller run with Mike and Isaac. Dropped Ryan off at the train station, then immediately got Isaac ready for our run. Hot and humid, and my legs felt like poop. This run was a big struggle for me, and really felt it from the second mile on. Lack of sleep, drinking, eating poorly all weekend didn't contribute much to my performance, but a 40 mile week is a 40 mile week! That afternoon, we had a fun get together at a friend's house with a ton of running friends - always great to hang out with good friends who have similar running goals/motivations.
40 miles this week
Monday, 6/25 - 4 miles (35:10). Out and back on the trail at night with Mike, towards Home Depot. Nothing special to note - legs holding up surprisingly well so far.
Tuesday, 6/26 - 6.5 miles total (4 miles (30:00), 2.5 miles (20:45)). The Dreaded Dreadmill Double. Got home and decided to knock out a few dreadmill miles before grabbing Isaac from daycare. It was warm in the garage, but felt pretty good. Time to push myself a little - legs felt surprisingly spry, despite 8 consecutive days of running, and gradually increased the pace as I went along. Dropped a ~6:40 mile to finish it out, before running to daycare, then did ~20 minutes slower to finish out the day. A huge assist goes to the Game of Thrones Tyrion Lannister Season 2 video clip that I watched on Youtube -
"I'm not threatening the king, ser. I'm educating my nephew. Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him. That was a threat. See the difference?"
Wednesday, 6/27 - 6 miles (50:36). Village Circle run with Jonny and Rich. It was a warm, humid evening, but good to do an easy run with the guys. Jonny was doubling for the day (tough workout earlier), so we kept the pace night and light. Runs are feeling better for me but overall, still a struggle - I know this is part of a long process, and just need to trust it and keep working hard.
Thursday, 6/28 - ~6.1 miles (50:01). Neighborhood and trail run with Crystal. I haven't run with Crystal in what feels like ages, so sucked it up and did an early morning run with her, under the premise that she would behave (Crystal is getting really fit right now). We did a couple of neighborhood loops for me to warm up, then out and back on the trail. I felt like poop pretty much the second half of this run, but Crystal did show mercy and not push the pace, and we got done without any casualties.
Friday, 6/29 - 4.5 miles (38:16). Dreadmill time after work. In the middle of the heat wave, and needed to knock out some easy mileage in my garage before I convinced myself not to run. Getting up early in the morning is just so difficult for me, these days :( It was miserable as one would expect, and got through a couple of Entourage episodes while gulping down as much water as one can, on a treadmill. At least it was shaded, and felt relatively accomplished for getting this done in 90+ degree temps in the garage.
Saturday, 6/30 - 6 miles (53:00). Mike and I met up at my house, bright and early. Ran out and back towards Troy, on the trail, and it was suffocatingly nasty outside - 79 degrees and HUMID. Within 2 miles, my legs were toast, and I just felt awful. We stopped at Drost Park for a bathroom break, and it was a painful shuffle back. I really hate STL summers
Sunday, 7/1 - 13.2 miles (1:57:28). Arch loop with Huelsy, bright and early in the morning. We met in Forest Park, at a friend's house that lives within 0.5 mile of the Visitor's Center, and started out towards downtown. I used to park at the Visitor's Center religiously, but too many recent break-ins, and just not as safe, in my opinion. Anyways, the weather was already in the high 70's at 5 a.m., and as humid as could be (better than Saturday!). We worked our way to SLU, on Lindell, then cut through the baseball fields and weaved out way downtown. Was getting really tired and dehydrated, and borderline desperate for water, and eventually made our way back to the SLU student center for a long water break. Our pace was pedestrian, at best, and just felt awful most of the way. We stopped quite a few times (stop lights, water, bathroom, etc.), which didn't help things. This run was basically a death march for the second half, and I think my longest this year, sadly.
46 miles this week - a new high for the year!
Monday, 7/2 - 4 miles (35:00). Evening run with Mike on the trails, out and back towards Home Depot. We kept it intentionally slow for my beat up body, but felt relatively good despite the muggy evening. They are re-doing Old Troy Road, and supposedly closing the trail portion underneath the interstate, so hoping this direction towards the trail isn't closed too long. Note to self - eating leftover BBQ, potato salad, and deviled eggs before a run is a BAD idea...
Tuesday, 7/3 - 4 miles (32:36). Woke up bright and early, and extremely groggy. The morning temps are definitely cooler to the skin, but the humidity is almost unbearing. Staggered out the door, and attempted some easy neighborhood loops. Considered getting out to the trail, but saw a few of the neighbors running the reverse direction, so opted to see some friendly faces. Legs were really getting tired towards the end, and opted to stop at 4 to end the morning. Splits were: 8:30, 7:58, 7:56, 8:01.
Weekend running will be a little rough, as I am on full time baby duty, so the plan is to nail a good long run tomorrow early and front load this week so I can recuperate a bit over the weekend. All in all, a good start to my Tokyo journey!