Cool paceband idea, great finish line images of Twin Cities Marathon, 11 year old girl wins 5K, Paula's marathon record longetivity, Geoffrey Mutai gunning for NYC record, and how long can you keep up with the Wilson Kipsang?
Friday, October 4th - 6 miles. Recovery run. I don't remember this at all.
Saturday, October 5th - 4 miles. Nice and easy in the morning before the parents came into visit for the day. Legs were a little tired but feeling relaxed. Played golf with the parents at Gateway National and beat the rain to get in a fun round, then a nice dinner at Andria's Steakhouse in town. Great to have family in town!
Sunday, October 6th - 15 miles. Well, there isn't much to say other than look at the picture. Drove to downtown St. Charles and got situated down at the course. Was a pretty cool morning, as the temps dropped to low 50's from the 80's it was in. Met up with Colby and Jon, and warmed up before stretching and getting loosened up. We started, and I ran with Jon and Silker who were both doing the marathon at my half marathon pace. Felt pretty comfortable working with them for the first couple miles, but could feel my body start to tighten and my stride start to shorten. Well, they gapped me a little at the 2.25 mile water stop, and I tried to get comfortable but was really tightening up. Split 20:30 for the 5K, and was getting progressively further off my splits and progressively uncomfortable as the miles picked up. Contemplated a DNF around mile 5, but we were so far away from the start/finish area that I would have had to run 5 miles back so kept going. So kept at it and tried to adjust, and split 42:40 for the 10K and maybe salvage something. But it became pretty evident that it wasn't going to happen today, and consequently the last 8 miles of this race was one of the most painful death marches I've had in quite a while. My back was spasming the last 5K, and my quads/hammies were destroyed from running flat footed to compensate. Not my day, but congrats to Silker and Jon for their 1-2 finish in the marathon!!! 47 miles this week, 43 miles in October, 1879.5 miles in 2013.
Monday, October 7th - 0! Back was killing me, and was hobbling around like an old man. Kyle and I went to the Bulls game at Scottrade Center - first time I have ever seen a professional basketball game live!
Tonight, jogging the Go! Halloween 10K course with Crystal. Easy running until I physically feel better. Chicago this weekend for the marathon - looking forward to some Lakeshore miles and cheering Colby and Gabe on to some great PR's!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Mo Cowbell Eve
Wilson Kipsang and his world record...
Wednesday, October 2nd - 9 miles (2 up, 3 x 2 miles (3 minutes rest), 2 down). A very warm and humid evening to get in my workout, and even more challenging was the Dewey's pizza I had a couple hours before I started running. Warmed up for 20 minutes around my neighborhood, before starting my workout on roads of Glen Carbon. Felt like a lot of effort, but eased into my second repeat ok and looped onto 159 headed back since I wasn't ready to encounter the nasty hill headed home for this workout. I was struggling through the first mile, but felt much better once I opened up my stride a little and quit worrying about my splits which is a bad habit (especially at night with all the wasted energy). Legs were really starting to get tired, and I was sweating massively from the humidity. Last rep, went out too hard, and pretty much let it all get to me and stopped a little past the first mile - wasn't mentally there, and was exhausted and not wanting to work this hard. So jogged it in and stretched out for awhile. Splits were: 12:55 (6:27, 6:28), 12:54 (6:30, 6:24), 6:21.
Thursday, October 3rd - 4 miles. Nasty humid run after work - out and back on the trails towards Troy. Nice and slow, nothing crazy to report. No watch, so I had no time but it was somewhere between 34-38 minutes. Blues home opener at night with Colby - Blues win 4-2!
Just got back from packet pickup for Sunday's race. Had a nice talk this morning with Coach Kyle about race plans, and I have been banned from running with my Garmin and instead will trust my body and run by feel. I don't have much expectations, but feel relatively good. This block hasn't gone perfectly, but we've gotten a lot accomplished. Think good thoughts for me on Sunday!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Sunshine 10K Race Recap
Sara Hall blog, messed up finish at Berlin, new world record!, government shutting down is hurting running, and why a sub 2:00 hour marathon isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Thursday, September 26th - 6 miles - Quick run after work on the trails. Out and back towards Troy. Legs were definitely pretty tired. Warm day, and had a tough time getting moving. Turnover was quite horrible, but managed the best as I could. ~52 minutes.
Friday, September 27th - 5 miles. Ran with Tim, Crystal, and Clint. Ran to their neighborhood, and looped around before heading back on the trails. Felt tired, but moving a lot better and was nice to have the company. Decided to do a different 10K in Alton - closer, cheaper, flat course, and for a great cause (families with children with cancer). The strategy for this race was not all out and a comfortable effort without pushing too hard - thinking more towards marathon pace.
Saturday, September 28th - 10 miles (2 up, SUNSHINE 10K 41:47 1/34, 2 down). Drove up bright and early to the Alton Dam. We had run on the trails before during our Fast Eddie's run last fall, and the lay of the land is pretty flat outside of some minor hills - bike trails mainly. Sun was coming out, and we were hoping for an overcast day with the later 9 a.m. start. Tim and I warmed up for a couple miles to get a lay of the land (sort of hilly but not too bad - horrible trail conditions on the first mile), and strategized a little since we were kind of running together (Tim was running the 5K). Headwind going out; out and back course. We started, and I jumped out of the block and was pretty much leading right from the start. Very exposed to the wind before we jumped out on the trails, then looked at my watch at half a mile out before realizing I was running sub 6 minute pace. Tim was right behind, so asked him what he was trying to hit (6:30) so I could lead him out. Well, went out too a bit too fast hitting the first mile at 6:21, so tried to ease into a good effort where I could maintain the rest of the race. Passed the 5K turnaround at and was pretty much in cruise control at this point (6:38-6:42 range), and was still leading - Tim had turned off with one other guy, and it looked like there could be a potential dog fight. A minor blip on the race path came up, where we hit a gated area at the bottom on a small valley where we literally had to stop, cross through a tiny gap between the gates, start again, cross another gate/gap, then up a hill - we were warned about this prerace, but it was still very aggravating. Hit the turnaround, and estimated I had ~20-30 seconds on the 2nd place guy. Still felt good, and wasn't looking back behind me (didn't want to waste any energy/show weakness), but I felt hearing this flapping noise which I interpreted at the guy catching up and working off me (I was convinced it was shoes knocking the pavement). Anyways, after the 4th mile, one of the girls running the other way told me I had at least a quarter mile lead, so finally snuck a peek and realized I was pretty much in the clear. It turned out the flapping sound was the stiff race bib hitting my chest, so threw it onto cruise control and cruised in for the victory. Found out that Tim won the 5K for his first victory, and we ran out on our cooldown to run Megan in for a 3 minute PR! Great day, and always good to win a race :) 41:47 for the 10K.
Sunday, September 29th - 2 miles. Paced Colby on his fast finish long run via bike, so got in 10 miles in the morning. Attempted to get in a run, but I was hobbling pretty good and called it a day after a couple slow miles. Breaking Bad series finale this evening - solid end to a great show! 43 miles this week, 201.5 miles in September, 1832.5 miles in 2013. Getting sloppy these last few weeks on mileage...
Monday, September 30th - 4 miles. Out and back on Old Faithful with Megan. Back is still acting up, and went nice and easy. ~40 minutes total. 205.5 miles in September, 1836.5 miles in 2013.
Tuesday, October 1st - 5 miles. Met up with Crystal and Craig at SLU track. Kind of nasty afternoon, but really cooled down. Warmed up with Craig on the track for a mile, then jumped out on the roads for 4 miles easy. I can't believe how early it gets dark now!
Rounding up towards Cowbell Half this weekend. One last workout tonight, then resting up for an assault on a fast time. Weather is looking good, so hopefully it cools down and the stars align!
Thursday, September 26th - 6 miles - Quick run after work on the trails. Out and back towards Troy. Legs were definitely pretty tired. Warm day, and had a tough time getting moving. Turnover was quite horrible, but managed the best as I could. ~52 minutes.
Friday, September 27th - 5 miles. Ran with Tim, Crystal, and Clint. Ran to their neighborhood, and looped around before heading back on the trails. Felt tired, but moving a lot better and was nice to have the company. Decided to do a different 10K in Alton - closer, cheaper, flat course, and for a great cause (families with children with cancer). The strategy for this race was not all out and a comfortable effort without pushing too hard - thinking more towards marathon pace.
Saturday, September 28th - 10 miles (2 up, SUNSHINE 10K 41:47 1/34, 2 down). Drove up bright and early to the Alton Dam. We had run on the trails before during our Fast Eddie's run last fall, and the lay of the land is pretty flat outside of some minor hills - bike trails mainly. Sun was coming out, and we were hoping for an overcast day with the later 9 a.m. start. Tim and I warmed up for a couple miles to get a lay of the land (sort of hilly but not too bad - horrible trail conditions on the first mile), and strategized a little since we were kind of running together (Tim was running the 5K). Headwind going out; out and back course. We started, and I jumped out of the block and was pretty much leading right from the start. Very exposed to the wind before we jumped out on the trails, then looked at my watch at half a mile out before realizing I was running sub 6 minute pace. Tim was right behind, so asked him what he was trying to hit (6:30) so I could lead him out. Well, went out too a bit too fast hitting the first mile at 6:21, so tried to ease into a good effort where I could maintain the rest of the race. Passed the 5K turnaround at and was pretty much in cruise control at this point (6:38-6:42 range), and was still leading - Tim had turned off with one other guy, and it looked like there could be a potential dog fight. A minor blip on the race path came up, where we hit a gated area at the bottom on a small valley where we literally had to stop, cross through a tiny gap between the gates, start again, cross another gate/gap, then up a hill - we were warned about this prerace, but it was still very aggravating. Hit the turnaround, and estimated I had ~20-30 seconds on the 2nd place guy. Still felt good, and wasn't looking back behind me (didn't want to waste any energy/show weakness), but I felt hearing this flapping noise which I interpreted at the guy catching up and working off me (I was convinced it was shoes knocking the pavement). Anyways, after the 4th mile, one of the girls running the other way told me I had at least a quarter mile lead, so finally snuck a peek and realized I was pretty much in the clear. It turned out the flapping sound was the stiff race bib hitting my chest, so threw it onto cruise control and cruised in for the victory. Found out that Tim won the 5K for his first victory, and we ran out on our cooldown to run Megan in for a 3 minute PR! Great day, and always good to win a race :) 41:47 for the 10K.
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Victory! |
Spoils of war |
Post race Oktoberfest celebration at Urban Chestnut |
Sunday, September 29th - 2 miles. Paced Colby on his fast finish long run via bike, so got in 10 miles in the morning. Attempted to get in a run, but I was hobbling pretty good and called it a day after a couple slow miles. Breaking Bad series finale this evening - solid end to a great show! 43 miles this week, 201.5 miles in September, 1832.5 miles in 2013. Getting sloppy these last few weeks on mileage...
Monday, September 30th - 4 miles. Out and back on Old Faithful with Megan. Back is still acting up, and went nice and easy. ~40 minutes total. 205.5 miles in September, 1836.5 miles in 2013.
Tuesday, October 1st - 5 miles. Met up with Crystal and Craig at SLU track. Kind of nasty afternoon, but really cooled down. Warmed up with Craig on the track for a mile, then jumped out on the roads for 4 miles easy. I can't believe how early it gets dark now!
Rounding up towards Cowbell Half this weekend. One last workout tonight, then resting up for an assault on a fast time. Weather is looking good, so hopefully it cools down and the stars align!
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