This is what I'm doing this week now that Marc and Trish are both headed to town over the weekend. Weather was gotten really nice of a sudden, so need to take advantage of this!
Thursday evening, slept all evening, forced myself out the door late at night for a run. Ran the neighborhood where I was housesitting - hilly and humid, but felt ok. Ran outside for about 30 minutes or so, got in close to 4 miles. Friday morning, met up with Brian and busted out a run. Weather was warm and sunny but pretty bearable. Did the same loop we did last time, and a little bit faster. We negative split coming back, and probably ran high 7 minute pace which felt decent. Total mileage: ~7 miles - ran for about 58 minutes. Walked on the golf course in the evening for some cross training.
Saturday, pretty much sweated away 80 lbs. on the golf course on a miserably hot day. Did not run that day because (a) it was too hot (b) was completely exhausted from our 5+ hour round. Sunday, got in a late 6 to finish out a solid running week. Was storming outside, so was fun to watch while lightly running.
Monday evening, took a monster nap (notice a reoccurring theme here?), then forced myself out the door for a run. Felt really good, and the weather was decent - a little warm, but the air was very still which sucked. Was finally home, so was good to be back in my regular environment, and decided on my customary out and back on the trails. Started out slow, but ended up picking it up. Knew I was going too fast, but it felt good to since I haven't really pushed it in a while. Last mile, there is a decent sized hill that usually gets me, but felt like nothing this time - obviously, one week of nonstop hills strengthened me up! Light corework and stretching afterwards. Total mileage: a little over 6 miles - total time out was about 43 minutes.
Track work tonight, then working on some heavy mileage over the next few days!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Running Update
Has been a pretty decent week so far - let's hope I can keep the momentum going! Found a great article from SI on Chris Solinsky, who is a freaking stud and is making quite the impact on American running. Hoping he can keep up the momentum, and bust out a 26:40 in a 10K sometime down the road - so much potential there!
Monday night, waited till late to get in a run - got home really late from work, then just crashed out for an hour. Weather was hot and humid, and I just ran around my friend's hilly neighborhood pretty much exploring. I have house-sat here before, and found areas where I got lost 2 years ago - lol Felt decent outside, was sweating like crazy because of the conditions but got in 30 minutes pretty easily. Total mileage: ~3.5 miles - total time out was 30 minutes.
Tuesday morning, woke up bright and early and met up with Brian who lives about a mile away from where I am staying. He took us on a loop through the neighborhood, then we got out somewhere in St. Charles and eventually made it to the Kady Trail which is very flat and a soft trail. Was nice to relax on that after navigating through the hilly parts, and it was shaded so even better! Weather was actually not too bad, and the run was fine for the most part. Coming back in, had to run up a huge mountainous hill to get back on the main road - I recognized this as part of the old Lewis and Clark 1/2 Marathon course, which immediately brought back a flood of terrible memories from my first ever half marathon in 2005 where I kicked early thinking the race was over, then had to run 2 more uphill miles including this "mountain"! Felt pretty decent, except for some major stomach pains at the end of the run. Total mileage: 7 miles - ran for roughly an hour.
Tuesday night, Pat and Crystal stopped by. Pat and I grabbed dinner then hit up the pool for a little bit while waiting for Crystal to get back from her hair appointment. Somehow, she got me out of the pool to go to her track workout, which I am still amazed that happened because it was so hot outside, and the pool is AWESOME. Legs felt ok, but were a little tired. Ran 2 up to the Francis Howell North school, and actually ran into Fleetfeet's running group doing their track work so was nice to have company. Weather was hot and super humid - the track is in a little valley, and the air was getting trapped in so was even more nasty. The workout was 8X1 minute at low 6 minute pace with jogs in between reps. Got through the workout, although it was definitely tough at the end. Jogged 2 back, legs were finito so got in the pool to relax and sort of stretch to finish the night. Total mileage: ~6.5 miles
Yesterday, legs were pretty beat so opted for cross training in the pool and chasing the dog around the house :) Am pretty ahead on mileage this week, so wasn't sweating it. Tonight, will get in some easy miles and tomorrow morning is looking like an a.m. run with Brian so on track for another solid week!
Monday night, waited till late to get in a run - got home really late from work, then just crashed out for an hour. Weather was hot and humid, and I just ran around my friend's hilly neighborhood pretty much exploring. I have house-sat here before, and found areas where I got lost 2 years ago - lol Felt decent outside, was sweating like crazy because of the conditions but got in 30 minutes pretty easily. Total mileage: ~3.5 miles - total time out was 30 minutes.
Tuesday morning, woke up bright and early and met up with Brian who lives about a mile away from where I am staying. He took us on a loop through the neighborhood, then we got out somewhere in St. Charles and eventually made it to the Kady Trail which is very flat and a soft trail. Was nice to relax on that after navigating through the hilly parts, and it was shaded so even better! Weather was actually not too bad, and the run was fine for the most part. Coming back in, had to run up a huge mountainous hill to get back on the main road - I recognized this as part of the old Lewis and Clark 1/2 Marathon course, which immediately brought back a flood of terrible memories from my first ever half marathon in 2005 where I kicked early thinking the race was over, then had to run 2 more uphill miles including this "mountain"! Felt pretty decent, except for some major stomach pains at the end of the run. Total mileage: 7 miles - ran for roughly an hour.
Tuesday night, Pat and Crystal stopped by. Pat and I grabbed dinner then hit up the pool for a little bit while waiting for Crystal to get back from her hair appointment. Somehow, she got me out of the pool to go to her track workout, which I am still amazed that happened because it was so hot outside, and the pool is AWESOME. Legs felt ok, but were a little tired. Ran 2 up to the Francis Howell North school, and actually ran into Fleetfeet's running group doing their track work so was nice to have company. Weather was hot and super humid - the track is in a little valley, and the air was getting trapped in so was even more nasty. The workout was 8X1 minute at low 6 minute pace with jogs in between reps. Got through the workout, although it was definitely tough at the end. Jogged 2 back, legs were finito so got in the pool to relax and sort of stretch to finish the night. Total mileage: ~6.5 miles
Yesterday, legs were pretty beat so opted for cross training in the pool and chasing the dog around the house :) Am pretty ahead on mileage this week, so wasn't sweating it. Tonight, will get in some easy miles and tomorrow morning is looking like an a.m. run with Brian so on track for another solid week!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer begins today...
and not very pleased about it. The hot weather that we didn't have last year has certainly attacked this area, and it isn't pretty. Running has been tough, but making the best I can for the meantime.
Thursday, Tim came into town for an impromptu work visit. We decided to get in a group run on a hot day. Weather was 90's and hot and humid. Hit up the Glen Carbon trail route, and kept the pace pretty honest and simple. Pat did a little less than we did, and Crystal did a mile more, so Tim and I ran and suffered pretty much the majority of the run. Nothing much to update, felt ok out there. The aftermath was disgusting, as we literally had to towel ourselves off from the drenched sweat. It wasn't pretty. Total mileage: 5 miles - no idea the splits, but was around the 8-9 range.
Friday, my buddy Stephen Pifer got ahold of me, so went for a late run with him and his uncle, who used to hang out with us when we were younger. Did an hour easy on the soft trails over in Edwardsville, which I had actually never run on before and definitely want to again. Very flat, and easy on the legs as opposed to the hard trails we run on. Got to catch up a bit and had some fun conversation about Stephen's career and his competitors. He is running the 1500 at the USA Track and Field Championships this Saturday, which I believe is being televised on NBC, so check him out! Sounds like a really tough field, so hopefully he will do well. Weather was very hot, but sort of got a reality check from those guys since they literally don't care about the conditions and just get in the workout. I need to change my mentality to that instead of whining about the oppressive heat so much and using it as an excuse. I survived it fine - legs got a little heavy towards the end, but more from lack of hydration. Total mileage: 7 miles - averaged around 8:30 per mile.
Saturday, went to Peoria to see the family. Was supposed to run Steamboat, but backed out at the last second because I wasn't feeling well and didn't leave until Saturday. The lack of rest and just poor running has caught up to me, and working on turning this all around. Spent a nice day with the family. Sunday, played golf after church in the morning. So I guess a few miles of walking/swinging a golf club on a hot day has to count for some cross training, right? Drove home, then headed to St. Charles where I am housesitting for a friend all week. Waited for it to cool off a little, as well as watched the final round of the U.S. Open, before going for my run. My friend lives in a pretty hilly neighborhood, and the general surroundings are all rolling hills. Ran around town, got more acclimated to the surroundings. Felt a little tired at the beginning, but got my legs on the last few miles. Hit the uphills harder than usual, and my hit that zone where it feels like you can run forever and not get tired. Nice since it was so muggy outside. Got bit by a million bugs, which means it's time to invest in some insect repellent. Total mileage: ~6 miles - ran for 45 minutes so around 7:30's per mile.
Will get in some easy mileage at some point tonight. Tomorrow, would like to do some speed - might be track work (there is a track 2 miles from where I am staying), or I might do hill work which wouldn't be hard to do with the massive ones in the area. My friend Brian (who I have race with before) lives a mile away from where I am staying, and we may do an easy run in the morning before work. Loving the 5 minute commute this week :)
Thursday, Tim came into town for an impromptu work visit. We decided to get in a group run on a hot day. Weather was 90's and hot and humid. Hit up the Glen Carbon trail route, and kept the pace pretty honest and simple. Pat did a little less than we did, and Crystal did a mile more, so Tim and I ran and suffered pretty much the majority of the run. Nothing much to update, felt ok out there. The aftermath was disgusting, as we literally had to towel ourselves off from the drenched sweat. It wasn't pretty. Total mileage: 5 miles - no idea the splits, but was around the 8-9 range.
Friday, my buddy Stephen Pifer got ahold of me, so went for a late run with him and his uncle, who used to hang out with us when we were younger. Did an hour easy on the soft trails over in Edwardsville, which I had actually never run on before and definitely want to again. Very flat, and easy on the legs as opposed to the hard trails we run on. Got to catch up a bit and had some fun conversation about Stephen's career and his competitors. He is running the 1500 at the USA Track and Field Championships this Saturday, which I believe is being televised on NBC, so check him out! Sounds like a really tough field, so hopefully he will do well. Weather was very hot, but sort of got a reality check from those guys since they literally don't care about the conditions and just get in the workout. I need to change my mentality to that instead of whining about the oppressive heat so much and using it as an excuse. I survived it fine - legs got a little heavy towards the end, but more from lack of hydration. Total mileage: 7 miles - averaged around 8:30 per mile.
Saturday, went to Peoria to see the family. Was supposed to run Steamboat, but backed out at the last second because I wasn't feeling well and didn't leave until Saturday. The lack of rest and just poor running has caught up to me, and working on turning this all around. Spent a nice day with the family. Sunday, played golf after church in the morning. So I guess a few miles of walking/swinging a golf club on a hot day has to count for some cross training, right? Drove home, then headed to St. Charles where I am housesitting for a friend all week. Waited for it to cool off a little, as well as watched the final round of the U.S. Open, before going for my run. My friend lives in a pretty hilly neighborhood, and the general surroundings are all rolling hills. Ran around town, got more acclimated to the surroundings. Felt a little tired at the beginning, but got my legs on the last few miles. Hit the uphills harder than usual, and my hit that zone where it feels like you can run forever and not get tired. Nice since it was so muggy outside. Got bit by a million bugs, which means it's time to invest in some insect repellent. Total mileage: ~6 miles - ran for 45 minutes so around 7:30's per mile.
Will get in some easy mileage at some point tonight. Tomorrow, would like to do some speed - might be track work (there is a track 2 miles from where I am staying), or I might do hill work which wouldn't be hard to do with the massive ones in the area. My friend Brian (who I have race with before) lives a mile away from where I am staying, and we may do an easy run in the morning before work. Loving the 5 minute commute this week :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My ministreak
of good running this week continues! Pretty excited with the workouts I have done, and feel pretty motivated right now. Special thanks goes to Marc for the ridiculous work he is doing (and letting me know all about it) and Crystal who started back up with one of the Big River Running coaches in hopes of hitting a great marathon time in Indianapolis this October. Saw a couple interesting articles this morning - first, Shalane Flanagan will be making her marathon debut in NYC this year! Shalane has been working her way into the long distances, and will kill in the marathon. Next, the USA Track and Field Nationals are next week - Oregon Elite runners will be making a presence at this event, including my buddy Stephen Pifer. Lot of luck to everybody!
Tuesday, did track work with Crystal. Was blazing hot outside as usual, and went in the later evening. Parked at the bank, jogged up the track and tacked on a few laps to get around 2 for the warmup. Did 10X30 seconds at 5K pace with slow jog in between. Not much to report, other than it was a good workout and definitely worked a little with the heat and just general lack of fitness. Stride felt a bit off, but definitely rallied a little on the last few reps and felt relatively smooth. Cooled down, did some stretching afterwards, then light corework at home. Total mileage: ~6.25 miles
Today, did a treadmill workout during lunch at my buddy's house to just get it out of the way. Fortunately, the World Cup game was on, and a meaningful futbol game plus no commercials equals complete zone out. Put the treadmill at 8.0, then went to town. Had thoughts that this might be difficult, because my legs were tired, but was the easiest and quickest treadmill run I have ever done. Viva la futbol! Total mileage: 6 miles - splits were: 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30.
Doing easy stretching and some good corework when I get home tonight to compete the workout - maybe some drills when it cools down. Tim is in town tomorrow, so plan on getting a little group run with him tomorrow!
Tuesday, did track work with Crystal. Was blazing hot outside as usual, and went in the later evening. Parked at the bank, jogged up the track and tacked on a few laps to get around 2 for the warmup. Did 10X30 seconds at 5K pace with slow jog in between. Not much to report, other than it was a good workout and definitely worked a little with the heat and just general lack of fitness. Stride felt a bit off, but definitely rallied a little on the last few reps and felt relatively smooth. Cooled down, did some stretching afterwards, then light corework at home. Total mileage: ~6.25 miles
Today, did a treadmill workout during lunch at my buddy's house to just get it out of the way. Fortunately, the World Cup game was on, and a meaningful futbol game plus no commercials equals complete zone out. Put the treadmill at 8.0, then went to town. Had thoughts that this might be difficult, because my legs were tired, but was the easiest and quickest treadmill run I have ever done. Viva la futbol! Total mileage: 6 miles - splits were: 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30.
Doing easy stretching and some good corework when I get home tonight to compete the workout - maybe some drills when it cools down. Tim is in town tomorrow, so plan on getting a little group run with him tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Catch Up
Wow, it's been a little bit since I've been on here, so I'll try to fire out a quick update. Saw this article in the New York Times talking about Brooks Running and their new strategy. I agree with the ideals, and love that it is encouraging people everywhere to run. It will give a new appreciation for the hard work people put in to run great times, and hopefully motivate those runners to step it up and work towards more aggressive goals.
Well, here we go with my recent attempts at running, and what I can remember. Thursday, did speed work on the trails. Jogged 1 up, attempted 1200 repeats but literally died after 2 of them (4:37, 4:28). Was just too hot and humid, and the trees were trapping in all the heat plus no air circulation. Excuses, excuses, I know, but my stride was getting significantly altered from struggling so much from running, and was starting to get dizzy. Decided not to take any chances. Total miles: ~4 miles. Friday, 4 easy on the treadmill at 8 minute or so pace. Felt ok. 0 on Saturday and Sunday!!!! Just crapped out, nothing good to say there.
Yesterday, decided to try to start over, and did the group run at Big River. Ran a little with Crystal, and finished the run solo. Was blazing hot outside, and felt slightly nauseated halfway through the run. Somehow finished it in one piece, then drank about a gallon of water. Got home, did some drills, good corework, and major stretching. Total mileage: ~4.5 miles - no idea how long I was out there, but estimating an average of 7:45-8 minute pace.
Tonight, going to do speedwork with Crystal. Nothing too crazy, I think she said 10X30 seconds with long warmup/cooldown, and hopefully it cools down a bit. Feeling pretty good today!
Look at the 4:25 mark!
Well, here we go with my recent attempts at running, and what I can remember. Thursday, did speed work on the trails. Jogged 1 up, attempted 1200 repeats but literally died after 2 of them (4:37, 4:28). Was just too hot and humid, and the trees were trapping in all the heat plus no air circulation. Excuses, excuses, I know, but my stride was getting significantly altered from struggling so much from running, and was starting to get dizzy. Decided not to take any chances. Total miles: ~4 miles. Friday, 4 easy on the treadmill at 8 minute or so pace. Felt ok. 0 on Saturday and Sunday!!!! Just crapped out, nothing good to say there.
Yesterday, decided to try to start over, and did the group run at Big River. Ran a little with Crystal, and finished the run solo. Was blazing hot outside, and felt slightly nauseated halfway through the run. Somehow finished it in one piece, then drank about a gallon of water. Got home, did some drills, good corework, and major stretching. Total mileage: ~4.5 miles - no idea how long I was out there, but estimating an average of 7:45-8 minute pace.
Tonight, going to do speedwork with Crystal. Nothing too crazy, I think she said 10X30 seconds with long warmup/cooldown, and hopefully it cools down a bit. Feeling pretty good today!
Look at the 4:25 mark!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Beat up
is how I am feeling. Has been a rocky week of running, unfortunately, so let me just cut to the chase.
Saturday, got in a long run with Mike and Crystal. Was just ridiculously humid, and felt awful outside. Temps were in the high 70's, low 80's. We started pretty early, and it didn't matter - was just awful outside. Around the 3-4 mile mark, made a comment that I could be persuaded to cut the run from 12 miles to 10. Was immediately taken up on the offer, thus the lower mileage day. Suffered the last couple miles, felt like garbage. Mike and I kicked at the end, did not feel too good and struggled to hold on. Would normally be disappointed in not getting in the correct mileage, but it was just nasty outside. Total mileage: 10 miles - average splits was 8:3o something.
Sunday, exact opposite - perfect day to be outside. Got in 4 easy early in the a.m., then crapped out on a later run due to relaxing at my friend's pool and golf. Golf counts as cross training, right?! 34 miles over the week - decent, and felt pretty happy for the most part.
Monday, 0!!! Played in a golf tournament all afternoon and got home too late, but will switch with Friday. Tuesday, 0!!! Back was on fire, and could barely sit up straight because I tweaked it probably playing golf. Was considering a later run, but was hobbling around so much that it was going to be impossible. This morning, got in 5 on my friend's treadmill. Put it on a slow pace, but realized I could handle a little faster. Watched ESPN, and the run went by quickly. Was going to do 4, but got in 5 just because I wasn't paying attention. Felt good, back held up on but is still slightly sore. Total mileage: 5 miles - splits were: 7:41, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30.
Hope to get in a late run with Crystal tonight, then if all feels well tomorrow try for speed then.
Saturday, got in a long run with Mike and Crystal. Was just ridiculously humid, and felt awful outside. Temps were in the high 70's, low 80's. We started pretty early, and it didn't matter - was just awful outside. Around the 3-4 mile mark, made a comment that I could be persuaded to cut the run from 12 miles to 10. Was immediately taken up on the offer, thus the lower mileage day. Suffered the last couple miles, felt like garbage. Mike and I kicked at the end, did not feel too good and struggled to hold on. Would normally be disappointed in not getting in the correct mileage, but it was just nasty outside. Total mileage: 10 miles - average splits was 8:3o something.
Sunday, exact opposite - perfect day to be outside. Got in 4 easy early in the a.m., then crapped out on a later run due to relaxing at my friend's pool and golf. Golf counts as cross training, right?! 34 miles over the week - decent, and felt pretty happy for the most part.
Monday, 0!!! Played in a golf tournament all afternoon and got home too late, but will switch with Friday. Tuesday, 0!!! Back was on fire, and could barely sit up straight because I tweaked it probably playing golf. Was considering a later run, but was hobbling around so much that it was going to be impossible. This morning, got in 5 on my friend's treadmill. Put it on a slow pace, but realized I could handle a little faster. Watched ESPN, and the run went by quickly. Was going to do 4, but got in 5 just because I wasn't paying attention. Felt good, back held up on but is still slightly sore. Total mileage: 5 miles - splits were: 7:41, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30, 7:30.
Hope to get in a late run with Crystal tonight, then if all feels well tomorrow try for speed then.
Friday, June 4, 2010
BolderBoulder 10K Race Recap/Long Update

Sorry, it's been a week since I've updated, so this is going to be a Cliff Notes version for times sake. First, big news that Haile Gebreselassie is running NYC this fall! Here is an interview with him and race director Mary Wittenberg. Also, James Carney did a blog about BolderBoulder and RunColorado's impressive 2nd place finish in the team competition!
Sunday, got in an easy 2 or so miles with Tim and Shane around the Stapleton area. Was a pretty hot day and the sun was brutal. Legs felt like mush, and the surprising thing was my calves felt like I had climbed Mount Everest by the time I was done. It was most likely a combination of the altitude plus the billion mimosas we had all weekend long. Was literally counting the steps till we were done, haven't felt like that in years especially for a 2 mile easy run.
Monday morning, drove out to Boulder for the race! Normally, I would give a detailed report, but there isn't much to report since I had pretty much dismissed that I couldn't run this race very hard due to conditions, so was going to be a glorified tempo run. Got to the start a little late due to the long bag check-in line, and literally ran up to the start. Rick Reilly was the honorary starter, and was cool to see him out there (he actually wrote a little article about the race). Lined up pretty far up front, which was stupid since I knew I was going to get scorched by all the fast runners (I had qualified for the top corral, but even if we were racing at sea level I would have been at the tail-end of this corral). Gun went off, and pretty much rocketed out of the chute. Looked at my watch at the half mile point, saw 2:42 so was going waaaaaaay too fast. Slowed it down big time, hit the first mile a lot faster than I would have liked and kept slowing down. Breathing was a mess at this point, and really didn't want to die out there. Legs were pretty heavy, but tried to battled through it. Weaved through some neighborhoods, saw a ton of interesting people, and just tried to keep a somewhat respectable pace. Hordes and hordes of people were passing me at this point, and was demoralizing since there was nothing I could do about it since I was trying to maintain my strategy. Was a bit tired at the halfway point, especially since we had just hit a big hill, and hit a really low split. Started to feel better after the 4th mile, and picked it up slightly but didn't get out of control. Last mile, you head towards the stadium, and was feeling pretty good and was enjoying the run. Hit a severe but quick incline before heading into the stadium, and did a quick 1/2 lap around before finishing! 10K Time: 43:14 - splits were: 6:11, 7:09, 7:33, 7:12, 6:52, 6:49. Finished 1278/53,000.
Met up with Shane and Tim later on - Trish, Marc, and Heather were all in a later wave so we killed time at the expo. Got to meet Ryan Hall which was freaking awesome! He was super nice, and asked me about my Boston experience (was wearing a Boston jacket), and I told him about when he almost tripped on my feet at the 07 Olympic Trials! Tried to get him to do the Usain Bolt pose with us, but was denied lol. Walked back to the stadium to meet up with everyone and chilled out for a while watching people finish, then watched the elite races which was pretty awesome. There was a huge Ethiopian contingent sitting a section over that was going NUTS for their runners, who dominated pretty much every event. Watched a great Memorial Day tribute which included a flyby, and headed out to Fort Collins for the New Belgium Brewery Tour (super cool btw, please go there if you ever have a chance to!). A perfect way to spend Memorial Day with some of my best friends, and a very fun race :)
Got back into town the next day after a long, exhausting, but super-fun weekend, and pretty much crashed out all day. Wednesday, ran 4 easy. Felt great and had intentions of running a few more, but experienced some of the nastiest stomach pains and had to call it quits halfway through. Was so nasty and humid outside, I miss the Denver dry air so much!
Thursday morning, woke up early to do 3 easy. Amazed I actually was able to get my butt out of bed early to do this. Felt like garbage every step of the way, wasn't hydrated enough to battle the early humidity. In the P.M., did scheduled interval work. 1 up to the trail, 6X800, 1 down. Was nasty and humid yet again, and decided to pick the trail since I wanted the shade and wanted to simulate some terrain and challenge myself a little instead of the flat track. Felt really tired starting out, but definitely got my legs back. Hit some really good splits, and just hammered it out. Last split, had a head to head encounter with a cat, and had to slow down and veer off to the side of the trail which slowed me down a bit, but still hit my fastest split which was nice. Very pleased with this workout. Total mileage: 5 miles - 800 splits were: 2:42, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42, 2:43, 2:38.
Having a decent running week so far, which is good. Want to try to squeeze in a recovery run today, but may opt out because of general fatigue and early long run tomorrow with Mike and Crystal.

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